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I submitted the link and it's been pointing to this email since the beginning.

It’s possible the mods merged two threads or similar. Check for top-level comments if curious.

We changed the title but not the url.

Hi dang, i don't know where else to contact you. I see you posting comments about there being multiple comment pages. Is there anything that could be done to avoid that, like allowing more comments per page (e.g. up to 10 of the current pages?), infinite scrolling, having a more visible "more pages" button, having the button not only at the bottom but also at the top, etc. ?

He recently said in one of those comments that they're working on that: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25038589

> Hi dang, i don't know where else to contact you.

Scroll down to the bottom, and hover/click "Contact" to get the email address.

Much better title, thanks :).

I don't hear that very often from submitters :)

I guess I must have fat-fingered the domain and the second article down in the history.

Any chance of bigger touch targets on mobile already? ;-P

> Any chance of bigger touch targets on mobile already? ;-P

For the front page? Do you have a layout in mind that works better than simply zooming in?

If there’s nothing else clickable around the graphical element then making a larger but invisible touch target around it would be an approach to consider. No visual changes, easy to do with css etc.

god, no

  -- from my shatphone that causes all the misclicks

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