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More than 500ms to open an email? One that's already stored locally?!

If that is the case, I advise you check what's taking so long, I get nothing like it with my thunderbird setup.

Given, I disable html formatting where I can, that might make a difference. But even on my 2009 i5 desktop with hdd storage it doesn't take that long to load the actual email.

It takes me longer than 500ms to find that email. if we are talking about browsing a list of emails already on the screen and i can simply use a shortcut to go to the next email, that is instant in thunderbird/gmail.com /fastmail.com. that just isn't my use case most of the time.

opening an email is always longer than 500ms, rendering it isn't in any system i use. hence i am not sure what we are talking here. if we are talking opening, then the 3seconds initial bootup of gmail isn't worth talking about imo.

the bottleneck for me at least is always finding the email and thunderbird is by far the worst unfortunately.

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