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Does something like Obsidian meet your needs?

One of the really great parts of Notion is that you can view your data in multiple ways (table, schedule, timeline view, etc.); does Obsidian have this functionality now? I haven't checked.

I'd love to use Obsidian to store notes, mostly for the note graph, but it's missing aliases[0].

[0]: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/aliases-for-note-names/783

In the forum post you mentioned, it is said that aliases are on the short-term roadmap, so I wouldn't be surprised if it is released in a couple weeks (the developers are fast!).

Tables can be done with Markdown anyway (with a plugin to make it easier), there is a Calendar plugin, IIRC timelines are in development, though you can already do Gantt charts with Mermaid.

It depends what exactly you want, but right now it's mainly static Markdown with features like templates, bidirectional linking, etc. but community-developed plugins and new features will likely quickly enable the features you need. I have been using Obsidian for a few weeks and it's been quite nice :)

Notion tables are WAY more powerful than markdown tables...

You can configure views, filtering, sorting, summary’s, and foreign keys with roll ups....

That’s not something trivial to build, however I’d be pleasantly surprised if obsidian eventually got there.

I wouldn't be surprised if a community plugin is developed for this sort of thing. It seems like the plugins are getting more and more interactive.

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