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I sincerely wish you luck with this.

I wrote something similar, a couple of years ago[0], but it doesn't include encryption; it merely gives a place to add encryption. I didn't want to deal with the legalities of included encryption, and I think others can do far better than I (but it is quite secure, nonetheless[1]). It was really done, just to "retool" my architectural and engineering skills, as I was pivoting from being a manager, back to being a developer.

I am now using it as a backend for an app under development (currently closed-source). It has been working a treat.

But after the app has been released, I may encourage the folks to look at alternatives for the backend. I am not really into maintaining a server system. I like to stay on the app side of things.

[0] https://riftvalleysoftware.com/work/open-source-projects/#ba...

[1] https://riftvalleysoftware.com/BAOBAB/PDFs/Security.pdf (Downloads a PDF)

Thank you for your kind words!

I think the encryption is the key differentiator here, at least for me. I don't want my data saved exposed on someone else's server, AKA the cloud.

The deal with mine, is the encryption is left to the client. The server just stores a binary "thing." That "thing" can be an encrypted envelope, managed by the client[s]. Since it's a closed-loop system, then a key could be shared programmatically, outside the purview of the server.

Yeah, in Etebase the server also just sees "things", though it tries to make it easy on the client to only get what's changed and etc.

Just curious, how does that differ from a system like Firefox sync which is also using client side encryption?

I don't think Firefox sync makes it very easy for devs to build other encrypted applications. Even if they did however, there are a lot of challenges with encrypted applications that they just don't take care of. Not to mention that they are very we centric and don't have developer APIs in many languages.

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