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Video by Brendan O'Connell showing how Intel is infiltrated and compromised. He would be considered fringe, but there's plenty of info to be gleamed. Don't shoot the messenger

First image is literally dramatic music, a menorah, Netanyahu, and flames. How can anyone take this guy seriously?

FYI, the menorah is actually the Mossad logo, though it doesn't change the point you're making. I've not watched the video yet, but as it's entitled "How Russia and Israel Destroyed the Intel Corporation" I'm not sure what else I'd be using as an intro graphic.

edit: Having watched about 10min of the video please don't take my defence of the title screen as defence of the contents of the video.

Thanks, I didn't realize that! I'm not sure why that seems "better" (but still pretty bad).

> How can anyone take this guy seriously?

In the timeline where flat earthers hold annual conventions, why are you surprised?

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