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think of it like shell scripting for statistics, although not nearly as limited as bash is compared to other programming languages.

it works best if it's used semi-interactively, as a glue language between statistical packages which may be written in other languages. or to write simple "batch" scripts that basically just run a bunch of procedures in a row.

RStudio makes the whole experience much nicer in terms of plotting, and RMarkdown is great for preparing documents.

of course like shell scripting you can write fairly complicated programs in it, and sometimes people do, but due to backwards compatibility and weird design choices meant to make interactive use easier, programming "in the large" can get weird.

the analogy works for Python too -- it is definitely reasonable to use Python for shell scripting, but using Python interactively to pipe things from one program to another is slightly more frustrating than doing it in the shell, although might be preferred due to its other advantages.

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