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I wonder if the next step after that will be Apple dictating what new apps are desirable in the app store and then a bit further Apple making apps themselves and only outsourcing the support or signing franchise deals. Once the hardware could only be repaired by Apple, they could move completely into a subscription model where you could subscribe to e.g. Office or Streamer package that would include a laptop for two years and a predefined set of applications.

Why would anyone subscribe to that?

You will find that many people would pay for having their worry about choosing the right laptop and software completely removed. They also won't have to worry about repairs etc. as long as any damage would be accidental or from a manufacturing fault.

That’s already why people buy apple and AppleCare.

What you are describing is taking this even further in the direction of an information appliance.

I am unconvinced that there is any benefit that your model provides that Apple does not already.

You can already just buy a Mac with AppleCare and install MS office from the App Store.

People may want their choices to be simplified, but they are also going to need to be able to use whatever important new thing comes along. E.g. Zoom or Slack.

If think more people would buy a subscription instead of forking out few grand at once. It will be like a finance instead you won't own the laptop. I also understand this is quite stupid, but I feel that this is the direction Apple is going to go to extract even more money from their target audience.

Leasing the hardware makes sense - basically like the iPhone upgrade program but extended to macs.

I know people who upgrade their Mac every time there is a speed bump and just sell the old one. They would presumably be candidates for this.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see this.

I just don’t see any reason Apple would tie the leased hardware to a limited software bundle.

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