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If you had the money to build one of these in Poland you could get twice the impact out of insulating houses and building wind farms and geothermal.

And since it takes a decade to build a nuclear power plant, you could do it all ten times as fast by just spending on existing solutions.

> you could get twice the impact out of insulating ...

Yes, the concept of "negawatts" which was popularized by the Rocky Mountain Institute, and Amory Lovins in particular in the 1980s, seems to have vanished from the discourse.

Insulate properly and improve efficiency of usage, and suddenly your energy supply problems are a lot smaller--plants, transmission, distribution, raw materials, waste: all of them.

Time to bring back negawatts.

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negawatt_market

Thank you for reminding me of them! I remember reading about RMI like 15 years ago. I’ll try to use the term negawatt. :)

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