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Advanced System-on-Chip Design Lecture Notes (ethz.ch)
219 points by allending on Nov 11, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

Here are the lecture topics [1] more in-depth:

  1 Basic Processor & Memory hierarchy
  2 Advanced Out-of-Order Processor
  3 Data-parallel processors
  4 Micro-controller introduction
  5 Multicore
  6 RISC-V core 
  7 Advanced Multicore
  8 Multicore programming 
  9 Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
  10 Heterogeneous SoC
  11 GPU Programming 
  12 Application-Specific Instruction-Set Processor (ASIP) 
  13 PULP: Parallel Ultra-Low-Power Computing 
  14 Architecture in the Future - Wrap-up
[1] https://iis-people.ee.ethz.ch/~gmichi/asocd/classinfo/ASoCD_...

What's the recommended textbook for this course? All I see is "PH 5th ed. 2013, (HP 5th ed. 2013)" and I have no clue what that is.

Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, ISBN 978-0124077263.

Lecture 7 seems to have gone missing. Lecture 13 is blank. Actually, I think lecture 14 is actually lecture 13 and so 14 has gone missing.

Catch em all:

> wget -m -p -E -k -K -np https://iis-people.ee.ethz.ch/\~gmichi/

AKA wget --mirror --page-requisites --adjust-extension --convert-links --backup-converted --no-parent ...

The Internet tells me that the collective noun of flag is bunting. I think this applies here: a bunting of wget flags.

I ran it and its not very server friendly. I am basically DDoSing the server. On the other hand, it finished within a minute (216MB) ....

Meh, at least it downloads one file after the other and not in parallel.

is it possible to do the same with curl?

The lecturers are from the same team developing Low Level Hardware Description (LLHD) language:


p/s: It seems that Lecture 7 slide is missing, though.

If you want a great introduction to, and appreciation of, SoCs — given the announcements yesterday and to understand what goes into something like the M1 a little better.

That's a very good lectures!

However, there is one thing is regrettable to me in lectures that talks about the micro-architecture of superscalar processors: they never talk about the register bank micro-architecture. The focus is always on the micro-architecture of the compute units.

Knowing that the wire area of a conventional register bank grows by the square of the number of read/write ports, and that superscalar processors require an increasing number of read/write ports, the micro-architecture of the register bank quickly becomes critical with the number of issue.

But there is very little information on the right micro-architectural strategy in this regard. There is some information on GPU register banks, but very little about modern CPU designs.

Does anyone have courseware on non-advanced System-on-Chip design?

Slides are from 2016 -- perhaps put that in the title.

Videos for this course?

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