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Did they not think about creating an emergency crowdfunding donation campaign to try to raise funds?

You mean, like taxes?

Fundamental research should not depend on crowdfunding!

This shouldn't be downvoted, crowdfunding isn't a reliable stream of income and entirely unsuited to support decade-long experiments. Anything space-related is a multi-decade effort.

The other problem with crowdfunding is the complete lack of accountability on part of the founder. When the head of the European Space Acency Had A Word with his colleague at NASA about the delays with Galileo (about half of the experiments on Galileo were European) he could tell him that either the bird flies or all of Europe will forget about America and instead work with the Russians for the next 30 years. You can't do that on Gofundme, instead you lose out completely on that kind of project. No one sane is going to commit to a crowdfunded Arecibo when you don't know for certain that the crowd will support it 5 years hence.

I will not say that it should depend on crowdfunding, but in emergency situation, with the proper communication, that could be a way to get urgently some money for a specific situation like that.

Without waiting for states and large funding that usually take a lot more time to get

what, it should depend on private corporate funding instead? or maybe solely depend on the crumbs provided from government funding? if private citizens want to contribute money, i'm guessing most research teams starving for funding would not be opposed.

Research, especially fundamental research, should have stable multi year funding by the government. The current way, with many researchers being forced to spend more time on grant hunting than researching or teaching, and focus not dictated by scientific needs but by political aims (NASA!), and young researchers being ruthlessly exploited, is unsustainable.

Just compare the structures back when science, research and progress were taken seriously to now. It was the US government that gave humanity lasers, Internet, integrated circuits, battery tech, databases (Oracle!), satellite-based data gathering - almost all of what modern life grants us was founded back decades ago by massive government/military research programs.

Side note: this is also valid for Europe. We have all lost our collective focus to progress and advance to corporate greed and minimalist-government theories, while China has picked up the slack. The 21st century, I fear, will belong to China thanks to the collective actions of the last 30 years.

I don't think anyone receiving gov't funding would consider it stable. Every year, people have to justify their funding at the risk of having the funding removed. I have quasi-personal experience with the withdrawing of funding when Congress killed the Superconducting Super Collider. They killed it the same year that I was in high school and was going to spend time as an intern as several of my older classmates had done.

I know we're speaking the same base. Science funding is woefully short for pure scientific research endeavors. The US gave up on the race for discovery a long long time ago before I was born. The "why?" must always be backed up with a solid money making something. "Why?" can no longer be "because we don't know what we might find out" for a response that will get funded.

Yes, they did set up a Paypal donation link: https://www.naic.edu/ao/donations

$112.45 from a crowdfunding campaign probably isn't enough to pay their repair bill.

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