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Vast majority of the cases are asymptomatic or only have mild symptoms.

The vast majority of single rounds of Russian Roulette are won too.

Only 83.3%.

I don't think anybody disputes this.

But each new person who gets it is a potential spreader, which increases the likelihood of an at-risk person getting it. Someone who may be elderly or immunocompromised, who can be seriously hurt or killed by it.

Sure but how about the risk/damage due to lockdown?

Given the level of lockdowns we've seen so far, that is minimal. Especially if the government is smart enough to simply pay the wages of people who are forced to not work (which would also give a massive boost to the economy).

So what? 1% IFR is very, very high. If 90% of world population gets sick with it, 70 000 000 will die. Compare that with 700 000 flu death every year.

here cdc estimate of ifr https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scena...

0-19 years: 0.00003 20-49 years: 0.0002 50-69 years: 0.005 70+ years: 0.054

I wouldn't consider it high at all.

I'm not againts vaccine, I'm againts lockdown.

At least for me I consider the cost/risk from lockdown is greater than the cost/risk from covid.

Do you understand that it is not percents? Those are ratios? Do you realize that for 70+ IFR is 5%, and for 50-69 is 0.5%? You can consider anything I cannot force ypu to tyhink otherwise, but something that kills 1 in 18 senior citizen is something of extreme public health concern.

Of course the number seems high if you focus on a particularly vulnerable group. All that matters is the IFR across the entire population, as the entire population is being harmed by lockdowns.

I know its a ratio. You can consider it too high/extreme, I cannot force you to think otherwise. I'm not against doing something about it. What I'm against is if the answer of 'doing something about it' is lockdown. To me this cure is worse than the disease.

Stalin loved statistics because he could make arguments like that and not seem like one of the most evil men to ever have lived.

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