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> Can be a bit slow at times though - you need a good machine to run it.

This is one of my pet peeves in IDEs. I can't stand slow-down or random auto-complete pauses.

Dual quad core xeons, 4 gigs of ram, and a RAID 0 dual 2.5" SAS drives, 73gb 10K rpm solved that problem for me.

Also, I hate how much hardware it takes to make anything run well.

Moore's Law is wrong about cost, it takes the same amount of money as before to make things run as well as it used to.

Honestly, if we're going to use languages like Ruby/Python/Perl which are so expensive on cycles it's ridiculous, can we save ourselves some computation pain, and skip the rest of the way to SBCL? Please? It's a minor speed penalty compared to ruby.

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