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Galaxy S8 on sale at Walmart, Staples, and NewEgg. Likely falls off support in 3-4 months. So Android flagships are close to zero or even negative support time?

This is what got me to finally switch to Apple. Updates take forever. I bought a Samsung off Amazon for testing and for some reason I still have to wait on T-Mobile. And then after a year, maybe two, there just aren’t anymore updates.

Samsung makes superb hardware but they're clearly not at ease with software, it always feels like an afterthought.

If they were serious about competing with Apple software is where they should focus.

This is why I switched to Pixel. 3 years of full updates. And you can then switch to LineageOS if you'd like as well.

That sounds dangerous to me.

They have no legal requirement to update. Its also not a bait and switch, they have done this for a decade now. By an iphone if you want updates.

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