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idk, maybe its just because I'm so inexperienced and I was learning this as I go, but it all seemed great to begin with, but quickly fell out once i got into the reality of actually developing and designing.

I still don't know how you're supposed to properly update data for a grouped List/GridView without causing the entire view to rerender. I'm so used to React's functional approach to building UIs that mutating collections seemed extremley alien and cumbersome to me.

I still never found a good way to achieve this a in in XAML, a grid layout where the cells will expand to fill remaining space on the row, and then wrap. Multiple components got kind of close, but always lacked 1 aspect https://codepen.io/joshhunt/full/qBOdYjj

> how you're supposed to properly update data for a grouped List/GridView without causing the entire view to rerender

By telling your views what was updated.

For updating sets of items, see INotifyCollectionChanged interface, implemented by ObservableCollection<T> from the framework.

For updating properties, see INotifyPropertyChanged.

> Multiple components got kind of close, but always lacked 1 aspect

Find a panel that does it best, then either copy-paste and patch, or inherit and override.

The entire layout model is implemented in just 2 methods, MeasureOverride and ArrangeOverride. They are virtual, i.e. designed to be user-replaceable as you inherit from framework classes.

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