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There and Back again (commuting sucks) (newyorker.com)
7 points by maximilian on July 18, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

"People who are normally circumspect may, when describing their commutes, be unexpectedly candid in divulging the intimate details of their lives. They have it all worked out, down to the number of minutes it takes them to shave or get stuck at a particular light. But commuting is like sex or sleep: everyone lies. It is said that doctors, when they ask you how much you drink, will take the answer and double it. When a commuter says, 'It’s an hour, door-to-door,' tack on twenty minutes."

Quite reminiscent of "Two-Fisted Tales of Commuting": http://archive.salon.com/comics/boll/1998/06/src/04boll.gif

It might be better if you linked to the first page, not the last. :)

oops! can someone fix that for me?

The correct link: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2007/04/16/070416fa_fact_...

I've never lived more than 10 minutes from work. Love it.

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