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I can't speak for anyone else, but in my case:

* Peace and quiet. It's quite evident whenever I visit a city, but it is, of course, a matter of getting used to it.

* Safety. Out here I only need to worry about the casual pack of wolves, or getting run over by a drunk neighbour out on the road with a tractor. Where I lived before, getting stabbed or shot during a mugging was an actual risk.

* It's away from the grind. Working from home, no matter if you do farm work or just work remotely, is much quieter than being in an office and you are able to concentrate and work uninterrupted in a way that simply isn't possible in most office environments.

* No commuting.

* An active lifestyle without having to resort to things like going to the gym.

* Community. Most people don't know their own neighbours. Out here, people stick together because there really isn't many other options. That's both a blessing and a curse, though.

Independence and self-reliance are nice bonuses, but they really just come with the lifestyle; you can't live on a farm without some of both.

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