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They only real-way to "Scale" robots, is to create a system of self-replicating robots. This way, they can organically interact with our (human) needs. Similarly to how one can raise a pig to eat, or, alternately, one can go hunt free range buffalo, one can custom-make a robot for one's particular need, or, instead, allow self-replicating "species" or robots to exist in well-defined areas. For example if one had a swarm of aquatic robots in say a harbor area, these could be remote-control programmed to fetch fish and bring those fish to a centralized net. The robots would replicate themselves, so no need to worry about fixing them or making more. With nano-tech who knows such might be possible. Effectively to maximize/economize robot use we need species "symbiosis" with robot strains. Everybody benefits. Without making robots become "organic"/self-replicating they remain to costly. However, carefully directing the evolution/creation of a symbiotic robotic ecosystem could benefit mankind. Robots are no threat, when handled properly.

Essentially two dangers lurk with robots: one they are economically prohibitive. But flash forward a hundred years and you have a different problem: controlling them. Directing the evolution of robots could solve both problems. In the short term make them more cost effective vis-a-vis population growth, in the long term create symbiotic interdependence with the robot species, by means of orchestrating and directing their initial evolution. It is like a flash flood. You can't stop it, but you can control where the waters go. Similarly we cannot stop the "singularity" the rise of the robots constitute, but we can control it. (Me, my ultimate dream is a robot drag queen, yeah, when I make my millions I'm gonna build me one of those and knock 'em dead at karoake night, lol!)

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