Why would eliminate tax arbitrage between states? I'd prefer to see states competing over taxes - it provides a great incentive for efficiency. And no, a company won't always choose the lower tax rate, there are other factors at play like: 1)where are the employees located, 2) will they even go to a state with lower business taxes, 3) what services do I get as a company from the state gov't, 4) what's the general business climate in the state.
I hate the derogatory use of "race to the bottom" since it's the reason why we have handheld computers in our pockets and 60 inch flat screen TVs that cost $300. Every company is "racing to the bottom" to provide as much value for the least cost as possible.
I hate the derogatory use of "race to the bottom" since it's the reason why we have handheld computers in our pockets and 60 inch flat screen TVs that cost $300. Every company is "racing to the bottom" to provide as much value for the least cost as possible.