If it's a real loophole, the government is out of luck; best it can do is remove it next year.
When the money flowing through a corporation actually makes someone rich, it becomes his personal income. It's not clear that corporations paying their own taxes is even a good idea vs. collecting the same revenue through higher marginal tax rates on the beneficial owners.
Expensives can be hidden at the corporate level but used personally. The company plane can be used for both personal/business and those are hard to separate.
There are actually very detailed rules about how personal use of corporate planes needs to be reported for both tax purposes and shareholder reporting purposes.
Even if a plane is already going from City A to City B for business purposes, if the CEO brings a spouse along for personal reasons, there can be reporting consequences. Of course, this only matters if the company is under sufficient scrutiny to actually report such details.
When the money flowing through a corporation actually makes someone rich, it becomes his personal income. It's not clear that corporations paying their own taxes is even a good idea vs. collecting the same revenue through higher marginal tax rates on the beneficial owners.