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How does this answer bzb6's question?

It doesn't. It's fear mongering.

How are these facts fear mongering? Unless you know the facts how can you possibly make a good working strategy to fight this pandemic?

Because we live in a world of several billion people and a tweet from a doctor about 1 case does not tell us much on an aggregate scale.

Thanks for clarifying, and I agree.

"Not much scares me ... fucking shock"

The language is literally fear mongering. It's not an objective anecdote.


Reinfected! and the reinfection becoming a bad case! No immunity... Article hints that you can expect to be relatively protected for up to 6mo after infection.. But there are no guarantees.

From the article: "There is still a lot for us learn before we have a full understanding of how immunity to COVID-19 works. (..) we all should still follow Government guidelines on social distancing to ensure we play our part in minimising the spread of COVID-19 within our communities." -Professor Paul Moss

The question was "Is this good or bad news?". Linking to a tweet reporting a single case of reinfection, without any context, does not answer it.

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