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I hate this trend so much. I just dug around in Time Machine for the old version of Evernote, after being frustrated by the Electron trash they are calling version 10. It's missing so many little touches that just magically happen when you make a real application instead of having to fake everything from inside a browser.

I’ve been tempted to do a native clone of an early version of evernote for a long while now. Learning it’s turned into electron trash might just push me over the edge and actually do it.

Have you tried Notational Velocity?

It’s been abandoned for almost a decade now. It survived changes until now.

In Catalina it’s crashing left, top, bottom. Moved to nvAlt which, it seems, is abandoned now as well. Author is focused on something caller nvUltra. No idea what’s that.

Besides for people who use Evernote, nv isn’t a replacement at all for them.


No sync, looks like it won’t let me put images/PDFs in, no way to collaborate with my co-writer on projects, last version is from 2011. Nope. Haven’t tried it, don’t think I will, I dunno who it’s for but it’s not for me.

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