The total population of brahmins is less than 6% in India. People from other castes - especially the tribals and the dalits (more than 40%), experience caste oppression regularly.
Are you saying 6% of the Brahmins are oppressing 40% of the remaining population?
[..] India is home to over 200 million Dalits. According to Paul Diwakar, a Dalit activist from the National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights, "India has 600,000 villages and almost every village a small pocket on the outskirts is meant for Dalits."[..]
It is impossible to have a fact based discussion with you. Your arguments so riddled with logical fallacies that it would take me hours to tease everything out with definitions and explanations. I find myself facing a poverty of time currently and in the near future to be able to engage you further. Thanks for the discussion so far. Have a nice day.
Aristocracy is France was around 10%. There are plenty of upper caste Indians (around 18% to 30% total depending on how you count it) who benefit from this societal structure.
I’m not confused, thanks. I’m saying a small population can easily oppress a larger population, especially with consent and cooperation from other populations.