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I think it would probably help, it'd probably require that person to be pretty in touch with their needs (which seems like it could be pretty hard when you're already super frustrated and in pain).

It sounds like your friend was in touch enough to let you know how to help them and it sounds like you really connected that night. I wish people were more candid in general, but maybe people are a bit scared to ask for what they want?

Yes absolutely, and that is very difficult, but since the people in this thread were already articulating their needs, it looks like they have already acquired that skill?

(Of course, actually articulating those needs on the spot is yet another skill, so it's still easier said than done, but it might be worth focusing one's learning efforts on.)

At least they have in the confines of semi-anonymous HN :)

But yeah, some have some, haven't I'd say. And I agree with you 100%, it's extremely difficult, and much more difficult to do it on the spot. It feels like it's one of those skills that could take a lifetime to perfect.

But definitely agree that it's worth focusing one's efforts on as it seems like you'd get a lot more of what you want out of the world and other people.

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