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Unless you are for the reintroduction of wolves where you live your opinion on this is selfish. Too many wealthy urbanites and subutbanites have a not-in-my-backyard mentality about wolves.

I know you're being downvoted, but I agree with you. People from other areas seem have very strong opinions but have never actually seen wolves in the wild and will most likely never have wolves in their areas. Honestly, it is also is becoming the same discussion with brown bears where I live. I question how educated they are in wild life management.

In Idaho a wolf tag is 11.50 and you can legally harvest 15 wolves a year. You can even get wolf bounties of up to $1,000 per wolf in some areas, $500 in any area! You do have to be a member of the foundation for wildlife management, though. Idaho Department of Fish and Game is partially funding these bounties.

So, you have online folks (urbanites and suburbanites you mentioned, I assume) fighting to keep them on the endangered species list. All the while you have state government departments that 100% exist to manage wildlife paying hunters to harvest them. What a contrast.

That is the hilarious part of the urbanites. They clamor for more legislation and regulation when they've A) never gone through the process of applying for a tag and B) tons of regulation already exists

I'd be overjoyed, frankly.

we have way too many deer in new england.

I would be fine with wolves living my area, but the wolves would not, so it's a moot question. We do have a growing population of coyotes nearby, and it's fine.

I have a hard time understanding why anyone but ranchers would object to having wolves around at all. They don't prey on people.

No you wouldn't be fine. Wolves are very dangerous animals. And, assuming your area has a lack of game for them to hunt and eat, they most certainly would prey on people if they were in your area.

Wolves fear humans because humans kill them. If we weren't doing so, they would lose their fear within a few decades at most and hunt humans. Coyotes have never hunted humans, they're too small.

Real nature is not happy fluffy bunnies and cuddly wolf pups. It is heartless and uncaring. And majestic, awe inspiring and wonderous.

> Real nature is not happy fluffy bunnies and cuddly wolf pups. It is heartless and uncaring. And majestic, awe inspiring and wonderous.

Right, which is why I like it.

I don't live on the east coast because I'm afraid of wolves or nature. I've done a lot of things in my life that were far more dangerous than living near wolves.

Dogs don't prey on people either. But still lots of people get bitten by dogs.

I live in a suburb in southern California and we don't have wolves, but there are mountain lions around here. They're planning on building a wildlife crossing near us so they can get across the 101 freeway to have a larger range. Which I think they should do.

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