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I'd say that's the main (potential) 'problem' with LiveView, alongside latency issues.

In practice, I've usually found that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages when it comes to the former. Beefing up my servers seems like a worthwhile trade-off.

When it comes to latency, or related issues, I find that I'm still so much better off using LV as a basis and 'dropping down' into plain JS or (p)react when I need it.

We recently delivered a project that involved a whole bunch of stuff that LV was a perfect solution for, but also a core bit of functionality that required various kinds of animations. We ended up using LV wherever we could, and piggy-backed on the LV channel (websockets) to handle synchronizing the animation stuff. The actual code to animate things was just plain old JS. Worked like a charm!

I'm still using LiveView in a lot of the other parts of the app - places like signup/signin where the having the form validation seamlessly done server side using changsets is very, very nice. I'm also using in places where I would normally have to expose an api endpoint for CRUD and instead I'm using events and handling it in the LiveView. Again, very nice.

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