Of course, this is the release that changes the desktop interface around quite a lot. I'm a bit hesitant, although this answer in the FAQ was soothing:
No problem at all. You can choose to launch the classic desktop experience when you log in to your computer.
Not sure if this really means that the choice has to be re-made on every login, or if is remembered. Anyone?
IIRC it's just using the standard GDM "Choose an X Session" functionality. The same thing tha allows you to havea KDE and GNOME installed at once and switch between them. Last time I was using it, it prompted when you were choosing a different setting than your last login with a "Do you want this choice to be one-time or remembered?"
Though Unity works as expected (awesome!), there still seems to be some other bugs with VirtualBox integration. A big one for me is that seamless mode doesn't work when running 11.04.
You can still run Unity on any VM (or lower powered machine) by using Unity 2D. It doesn't ship with 11.04 (it will in 11.10, I believe) but you can get it like this:
It's in 11.04, you can just install the "unity-2d" package; you should only use the dailies if you're looking for trunk builds that might not be stable
No problem at all. You can choose to launch the classic desktop experience when you log in to your computer.
Not sure if this really means that the choice has to be re-made on every login, or if is remembered. Anyone?