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Author seems to think the goal of SPAs was to simplify web dev, but it’s actually to allow you to build fully featured, highly interactive, apps in a browser.

What the author is really getting at, I would guess, is that front end dev is awful, due to this weird combination of the Blub issue and a historical trajectory that has caused many problems.

The blub issues is mostly simple enough to pin down. Experienced programmers know that JS is an awful language. But there’s also a tooling or SDK “blub problem”. For example, compare npm and webpack vs gradle and javac (not to defend the Java ecosystem, but it does get some things right, or more right than others).

More idiosyncratically, there’s this historical arc of encountering fundamental problems, and trying to solve them within the current constraints of the web, rather than perhaps waiting for the web to standardise and evolve. This seems to be a mixture of lack of experience outside of this ecosystem (a bit like Blub) and, for this and other reasons, fixing problems “in your app” that should be fixed in the fundamental infrastructure of the web. It feels like technical solutions to social problems or, to use another metaphor, we are patching downstream what should be fixed upstream... if you build a house on sand, it will never be robust, no matter how many layers of infrastructure you add. That’s where the complexity arises.

It’s an enlightening exercise to step back and ask how you would build SPA infrastructure if starting anew. You certainly wouldn’t use a language like JS, you certainly would want to provide visual design tools as far as possible, APIs would be replaced with standard protocols, and probably you’d use a relatively small XML for layout. So perhaps only the HTML is anything like what you’d use. There’d be no transpilation, no webpack, no polyfills, no CSS, no JS.

In fact, what you’d end up with would look remarkably similar to the dev process for a Java applet!

> You certainly wouldn’t use a language like JS,

I disagree with this. You might not want to use JS but a language “like” JS such as TS or Lua would definitely be on the table. Or just JS without the biggest warts.

> you certainly would want to provide visual design tools as far as possible,

I feel that the promise of visual design tools fell quite short. Issues with version control and general traceability of changes and the ultimate non feature parity with code make me think that code first interfaces are the future.

> APIs would be replaced with standard protocols,

Could you elaborate what do you mean? I assume REST apis but that is basically just HTTP.

> and probably you’d use a relatively small XML for layout.

As long as the language is robust enough to not move stuff around when the UI slightly changes. I feel that XML (and to an extent html) is too lax to express a programmatically created interface.

> So perhaps only the HTML is anything like what you’d use. There’d be no transpilation, no webpack, no polyfills, no CSS, no JS.

In a different world you could replace these steps by compilation, compiler, backwards compatibility libraries, a styling framework and a language of choice.

I think you have shown that JS ecosystem has grown very organically. I think this is because the nature of web developers was to put stuff out rather than really think about how do make it the correct way. I believe this is because of constraints, on a native platform you had the option to go down to assembly or create a new language or paradigm. On web only the browser vendor has this power, all the dev had was JavaScript.

> You might not want to use JS but a language “like” JS such as TS or Lua would definitely be on the table. Or just JS without the biggest warts.

When you remove the warts from JS there's not much left. And I'd be pretty skeptical of someone starting a new project in Lua today. I think the mainstream choice for a "blank slate" language today would look something like Swift or Kotlin; Typescript can gets close, but it still has a lot of JavaScript baggage you'd want to strip out.

> I feel that the promise of visual design tools fell quite short. Issues with version control and general traceability of changes and the ultimate non feature parity with code make me think that code first interfaces are the future.

All the big UI libraries end up offering some kind of markup/constraint-based interface - which is ultimately data rather than code. And for editing that, a visual form designer makes a lot of sense. I like Qt's approach - you visually edit a markup form that's compiled into a class you can subclass, so you don't have to deal with the problems of code generation, and the markup is relatively version-control-friendly.

> Could you elaborate what do you mean? I assume REST apis but that is basically just HTTP.

I'm not the person you replied to, but thrift/gRPC are a lot nicer to work with than REST APIs. Standardised protocol definitions that let you understand what kind of changes are or aren't forward/backward compatible, and no need to write a bunch of boilerplate by hand.

> I think you have shown that JS ecosystem has grown very organically. I think this is because the nature of web developers was to put stuff out rather than really think about how do make it the correct way. I believe this is because of constraints, on a native platform you had the option to go down to assembly or create a new language or paradigm. On web only the browser vendor has this power, all the dev had was JavaScript.

It's the same story as "no-code" tools: IT departments won't let anyone install an application runtime, but they're happy to install a "document browser" and let it run arbitrary code. It's understandable, but depressing.

> When you remove the warts from JS there's not much left

Modern JavaScript is pretty sweet to write compared to pre 2015. It sure is fun to join in on the "JavaScript bad" circle jerk though.

When the bar are languages like F#, Haskell, Elm, Reason... How can JS be considered good? All languages have warts, but JS is a language full of them, ambiguity is the name of the game, mutating everything is encouraged and global mutable state is everywhere. Very little has changed for JS outside of syntax, the core is still rotten.

> Modern JavaScript is pretty sweet to write compared to pre 2015.

That's damning with faint praise if I ever heard it. JavaScript has more or less caught up with the lowest common denominator of other languages. But I've yet to hear anyone make a good case for actively choosing to use it.

I'm a long-time Javascript hater. I recently did some vanilla ES6, now that browser support is finally at a point where you don't need to transpire to ES5 - I admit, ES6 is much nicer than things used to be, and not having to transpile is wonderful.

But realistically you still want a JS build pipeline of some kind, for minification, compiling SASS to CSS, and other things. And of course if you're doing "modern" frontend work, you're not using vanilla JS like I was - you're using a complicated framework like Angular, React etc, and having to deal with the likes of webpack.

And then there's the anaemic standard library - honestly, barely any better than it was 10 years ago. And then, largely as a result, you've got NPM-dependency hell, with hundreds or thousands of deps for just about anything. Want to trim a string - there's a package for that.

And then there are other languages and ecosystems - when you compare JavaScript to those... well, then you really have to admit it's a turd.

Hating on JavaScript isn't a bandwagon - there are many genuine reasons why people dislike it and the ecosystem. IMO, comparing it to a "circle jerk" is like that meme where some character is surrounded by fire saying "this is fine".

There is a lot to be unhappy about but minification, sass, webpack, these are all just compilers for the language.

People sometimes complain about CMake and g++, but it seems that for JS people criticise even the mere existence of these tools.

Since web "apps" have become a thing, JavaScript and CSS are basically a more readable form of assembly.

I agree that plenty has been done to improve JS in recent years. That does not make it a good language.

> And I'd be pretty skeptical of someone starting a new project in Lua today.

Well, there is the upcoming play.date SDK for example and a lot of jam games.

The biggest reason why these languages are used is because they are fun.

Don’t get me wrong, I really like swift and SwiftUI. But there is something quite liberating when throwing away the type system completely and just hacking at the code. This brings in new people who get motivated by seeing a thing shaping up rather than staring at weird error codes.

> but thrift/gRPC are a lot nicer to work with than REST APIs.

I agree with this, protobufs are nicer to push around rather than JSON. Ultimately though one can do pretty arbitrary stuff with either.

For your last point I think that is a separate issue. The ubiquity of web is certainly reason for its popularity. But I was mostly talking about why people hacked around issues with upstream rather than trying to find more sound solutions.

> In fact, what you’d end up with would look remarkably similar to the dev process for a Java applet!

Yeah, it's increasingly clear to me that Java was just 20 years ahead of its time. Java really would make a great front end language.

People lament the complexity and size of the JVM... But these days V8 is just as bad. The complexity is a trade-off for runtime performance.

It's compiled into a compact easy to parse bitcode format similar to WASM. It's faster than JS and shares many basic design decisions. The packaging system is and always was basically a better version of NPM. It has pretty good cross-platform UI, probably the best there is outside of QT.

WASM apps are eventually going to be built identically to Java cross-platform desktop apps. Probably using Java, Go, C#

> Probably using Java, Go, C#

I hope not. The world is finally waking up to the need for sum types. A big part of the reason Java is so hated for doing simple things in is that lacking sum types meant it had to implement a horrible "checked exception" system.

Not even Java applets, but Silverlight.

Hoo boy it was awesome to work with. But. It came out at the wrong time. Linux was coming up as a desktop, MS was still evil. Mono was mostly a hobby project.

The backlash of trying to use "proprietary M$ crap" for web was too big of a hurdle to cross, even if the technology behind Silverlight was lightyears ahead of the drek that was Java Applets.

I feel like the mistake Java made was ceding the DOM to Javascript. It turned out that users like the browser and didn't particularly want either native widgets or a new system. The browser is familiar and good enough for a vast majority of tasks.

If the JVM had access to the DOM, you could write SPAs in Java and everybody would be happy. Instead Java sealed itself off separately from the browser, and Javascript went from little toys to full-blown UI applications. And then developers wanted to use the same code on both client and server so they made Node, working in the space where Java is so much clearly better.

So we end up with the worse language running the world. Fortunately, JS has finally become a mediocre language (or even a decent one with TS), and here we are.

I think it was just that shipping native apps on a web page was too slow back then for the internet and the machines. For the web to grow, it had to be simple. It took almost 20 years before we looped back to running full applications in the browser

> Experienced programmers know that JS is an awful language

BS blanket statement.

Some - many, maybe - programmers that in all likelihood multiply your experience and talent by orders of magnitude believe it's a great language.

Not everyone working with JS is doing so with a gun to their heads.

I don't know any polyglot programmers who would consider javascript better than at least one of the other languages they use, and would ditch js for those if they had the option.

TypesScript, maybe.

Note how I didn't say that many polyglots may think it's the best language, just that it's great as opposed to awful.

I know as a fact from watching tech conferences and talking to people that some elite-level polyglot programmers make it their main working language out of pure choice. Surely one can't assume that everyone doing bleeding-edge Javascript at places like Google is programming every day in absolute misery, or that it's the only thing that they know.

Me personally, I've possibly enjoyed programming in C, OCaml, Swift or Python more at times, but I think ES6+ Javascript is great and I'm happy to use it.

Javascript appears as the 11th most loved language in the SO dev surveys, with 66% of devs working with it reporting to love it, while it appears quite far down in the dreaded list. Typescript indeed fares much better. [1]

Of course, there is the question of whether respondents are True Programmers™ or posers, but I think that's another debate.

[1] https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2019#most-loved-dr...

> Note how I didn't say that many polyglots may think it's the best language, just that it's great as opposed to awful.

Fair enough :). I think 'great' is a bit of a vague concept, but I definitely would agree that it's far from awful.

I remember when I wrote a lot of JS back in the day ("Javascript: The Good Parts"), I did feel that stripped from the bad parts, I often preferred the elegance of the basic good parts over, say, Ruby and its "blocks, procs and lambda's" (for example).

I’m a polyglot programmer and I find quite a lot to like about JS. The concurrency model, for one, and also its multi-paradigm nature.

I’d choose JS over Java for back-end glue code, and JS+HTML+CSS over Java+Swing for front-end UI and app distribution, any day of the week.

Agreed, but to be fair I suspect a polyglot programmer will still choose many other languages, outside of Java, over JavaScript.

You said, "I don't know any polyglot programmers who would consider javascript better than at least one of the other languages they use, and would [not] ditch js for those if they had the option."

Now you do.

Ha, true. Nice to meet you!

> not to defend the Java ecosystem, but it does get some things right, or more right than others

Out of curiosity, as a Java enthusiast, I was wondering if you could give examples of what you feel is wrong?

In my HN browsing I find Java is rarely actually discussed here, though often dismissed. I don't know why.

My impression is that the design of Java the language, plus its runtime, are appreciated even by the harshest critics.

However the culture around complex frameworks and over-engineering is what most people really dislike about it.

IMO pretty much all the advantages touted by Java proponents (such as: good language design, easy of use by heterogenous teams, speed, etc) are correct, but are negated by a large part of the culture and ecosystem. The memes about humongous class names and 200-method stack traces are true when you use the popular frameworks and techniques.

Of course there are exceptions to this and this can creep into other languages too, of course.

> However the culture around complex frameworks and over-engineering is what most people really dislike about it.

I think this is it. I remember back in the day being absolutely floored when I started learning J2EE by the, it seemed, unnecessary complexity (for most use cases) of EJB. It was incredibly offputting: if you were starting a project from scratch it felt like you had to do a ridiculous amount of work just to get to "hello world". I'm sure it wasn't that bad but the memory has slightly scarred me.

I haven't worked in Java for ages, mostly working with .NET for the last 16 years and, unfortunately, the same problem has to some extent bled into the .NET ecosystem too.

A few years ago I contracted at a place where the "micro"-service team I was assigned to had this codebase where they'd clearly taken the OSI 7 layer reference model to heart and applied it to a domain where customer details were collected and recorded. I've nothing against layered architectures, and have made use of them many times in appropriate circumstances, but this was awful: one of the most needlessly complex codebases I've ever worked with, and incredibly discouraging to work on because it was so hard to actually achieve anything. There were fully three or four layers in the middle that did nothing but call the next layer down. The quantity of boilerplate was extraordinary. To add one method that did anything of substance you'd actually have to add between five and seven methods, most of which did nothing but call the next layer. Ridiculous.

Still, that doesn't change the fact that the .NET languages, runtime, and base framework are excellent, and that sadly being excellent is no antidote to misuse. Same applies to Java.

That's true. I also used to be a .NET guy in the past, but I started doing more games (and then frontend) when the movement from Rails-ish to Java-ish MVC started.

The thing about the multiple "layers" that don't do anything really bothers me too, because they are a misconception of how those complex architectures (Clean/Hexagonal/Onion) really work...

Instead of having mandatory layers, those should be pluggable. Just having a layer calling the next one is unnecessary, and some people implement it by having the next layer as a transitive dependency, which makes testing harder and has zero benefits!

> The thing about the multiple "layers" that don't do anything really bothers me too, because they are a misconception of how those complex architectures (Clean/Hexagonal/Onion) really work...

> Instead of having mandatory layers...

C# guy here.

I don't think things were ever as bad in the dotnet world as they are in Java, but l do still come across a lot of what you're describing here. Thankfully though, a lot of devs do seem to have "awakened" - it feels like there is a lot less cargo-culting of "best practises" such as layers, interfaces and abstract classes for everything, tests so full of mocks you can't see anything being tested etc.

C# is a fantastic language, but as with any OO language there are lots of abstraction-related traps to fall into.

For me, Java’s ties with Oracle and the nightmare stories about complicated `MetaAbstractBaseClassFactoryClassFactory` are why I seek alternatives, or would be dismissive.

Just noting that the abstraction stuff is mostly a consequence of the CORBA-derived, over-engineered "Enterprise Java" space, and provided you stay out of that tar-pit, and choose your libraries/dependencies wisely, Java is really nice to work with.

Even if you need to implement some kind of "Enterprise Java" app, you can do so with much better libraries and tools than back then, that do not suffer from the excessive abstraction problem.

Hey you leave CORBA out of this!

My first programming job was a pilot study for porting a platform from old and busted CORBA to the new hotness, J2EE. It was embarrassing how much worse than CORBA J2EE was.

I still see factories on a daily basis. They are a useful design pattern that is utilized in Java.

My anecdotal evidence is that I have never seen the over-engineered "Enterprise Java horrors" OP is talking about despite working in the Java EE (now Jakarta EE) space.

I suspect it's a story from the times of J2EE, or something similar.

> I still see factories on a daily basis. They are a useful design pattern that is utilized in Java.

A separate factory type means you have to write twice as much code for no real benefit. In most languages you'd just use a first-class function (and in post-8 Java you can do the same: rather than a FooFactory you accept a Supplier<Foo> and people can pass ::Foo . It's still more cumbersome than in most languages though). Or, in a lot of other cases, the factory is just a clunky way to achieve named arguments.

> My anecdotal evidence is that I have never seen the over-engineered "Enterprise Java horrors" OP is talking about despite working in the Java EE (now Jakarta EE) space.

Have you worked on a reputable codebase in a low-overhead language like Python or Ruby? If you don't recognise factories as bloat then you may well miss the other cases (famously, the majority of the Gang of Four patterns can just be replaced by passing a function).

> A separate factory type means you have to write twice as much code for no real benefit.

Ah! There's the confusion. What I meant was I see factory methods in code we consume on a daily basis, not that we write the full factory objects. A number of Java projects have static factory methods that provide the interface implementation instance based on your configuration.

Would you still object to this kind of design?

If you're actually using that configurability (i.e. your method actually instantiates different implementations in different cases) then no - that's the same thing you'd do in any language. If you're pre-emptively defining factory methods that actually just call the normal constructor then yes (a lot of Java bloat is like that - see also getters and setters on every field for the sake of the 0.01% where you actually want to do something other than just read/write the field).

It's not Javas fault it got bought by Oracle (and I don't agree that is is bad, as Oracle advanced it quite).

And I do like 'MetaAbstractBaseClassFactoryClassFactory' type names because that allows me in an application with hundreds if not thousands of classes to find the class I'm looking for very fast by just typing a few keywords into my IDE.

> Out of curiosity, as a Java enthusiast, I was wondering if you could give examples of what you feel is wrong?

I think there's a lot of criticism for Java's language design. It involves an awful lot of boiler plate, and is generally very verbose. It's also a language that forces you to use OO, and OO has received a lot of pushback over recent years - so that approach has become very unpopular.

Personally, I also think the use of so many design patterns is an attempt to compensate for what the language lacks, its reflection capabilities are flawed etc.

I don't hate on Java. For many years it was my main language. It has awesome tooling and the JVM is incredible. But I do agree with most of the criticism.

I've been learning Clojure recently and Rich Hickey's talks often begin with some motivation including criticism of Java and OO more generally, here's one such video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSdnJDO-xdg

> In my HN browsing I find Java is rarely actually discussed here, though often dismissed. I don't know why.

Personally, I feel like Java is not really as hated as some people make it out to be. It's a stable language that very few people choose for their "cool side project". At the same time, it has excellent tooling, mature and prod-ready open source frameworks, and backing of some giant companies.

This is not to say that Java is perfect. I think most dissatisfaction comes from students or junior people who are baffled by the complexity of Maven/Gradle configurations, strict project structure (where a class can be 10 directories deep), and Java's insistence on boilerplate (which is often challenged by new Java releases. Those, however, are quite rare in production; I'm starting to see Java 11 here and there but the majority of projects I've seen run 1.8).

What is a "blub issue". I tried a slang dictionary but couldn't find anything. Thanks.


The basic idea being that you know a tool that's obviously superior to a lot of alternatives, but you're blind to how different alternatives are superior to it because you can't grok the power beyond their initial "weirdness".

What's the blub problem?

It is described here, specifically in the "The Blub Paradox" section:


My understanding is that everyone understands the features and ecosystem benefits of languages they work with, but not necessarily understands those of other languages. As a result, the value of their opinions on other languages may be mixed.


>Author seems to think the goal of SPAs was to simplify web dev, but it’s actually to allow you to build fully featured, highly interactive, apps in a browser.

Typical hipster web dev now days! Go back to the basic.

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