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It's interesting to contrast this kind of organizational behavior with the type where "management won't give us time to deal with technical debt". Though arguably using an over-complicated framework is creating more technical debt, on a certain perspective, this is on the other end of this scale.

It seems to me what we want is some kind of "Platonic ideal" where the extremes are bad for development:

  Management won't give us time to deal with technical debt/incorporate best practices.
  Management wants the Hot New Thing all the time. uservices are the state-of-the-art in best practices so uservices it is!
The best advice (IMO) in dealing with the top end of this spectrum is to frame technical debt and best practices in terms of whatever economic metric the manager cares about (e.g., "TDD will lead to less bugs, ergo happier customers, ergo greater retention"). But I wonder if the same framing can be used to encourage temperance in managers who dwell on the bottom of my spectrum.

I somehow suspect it won't work. The problem with those at the top is that they see the dev's proposition as an investment that will either not bear fruit or, worse, slow the team down; so they are incentivized to keep status quo. Those at the bottom, however, start from a perspective that their idea will add value to the team so they keep pushing for it no matter what. And telling them "Let's not do what Google does; we're not Google" is definitely seen as a devaluation of the team.

This has been a weird headspace to explore. I'd love to hear from others' experience on dealing with this.

IMHO the problem is that with reusing your scale I typically see:

  Management that don't really understand tech and is afraid to try things
  Management that don't really understand business (and sometimes tech too) and is focused on tech fashion
Surprise the ideal is hard because it requires both tech and business experience to recognize how best practices and new tech could bring value in a specific context. The job is to make clients happy by solving their problems, with apps that are nice to use, bug free, performant, maintainable, evolvable, with a usually short time to market and obviously for the best cost. Sometimes that equation is solved with a complex stack, architecture and practices with hundreds of engineers, and sometimes with a few web pages, inlined CSS, a bit of vanilla JS, and a solo dev.

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