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Yup. Been using it for a very complex data app. Its awesome.

You can choose Wasm for LOB apps or on fast connections.

You can choose Server hosting for apps that have about 100,000 users at a time. Mind you, that is 100,000 users concurrently. Which should be more than enough for most apps.

There are plans to reduce bundle size and server side resources, coming in .NET 5.

As per Microsoft Benchmarks[1], it should cost about 100 USD per month (3 years, reserved instances, paid upfront) to handle 20,000 concurrent users. (This price is not including database, storage, etc). That comes to about 0.18 USD per user, for 3 years. (cost of serving app to 1 user for 3 years in total). Which seems pretty reasonable, especially if you have a decent, paid app. The cost comes down even more, if only a %age of your users are online concurrently.

On Digital Ocean, a similar machine, would cost about 40 USD a month. For 3 years, total cost for 1 users will be 0.072 USD

[1] - https://devblogs.microsoft.com/aspnet/blazor-server-in-net-c...

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