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Is this the same model meteor.js uses? I seem to recall their system maintains a mini-database on the client side and syncs it with the main server through a pub-sub model.

Yes. At least it can use service workers. Meteor uses MongoDB on the backend, and minimongo client side. Those two are synced over their DDP protocol IIRC.

I miss meteor. It was such a great framework and promise. Not for big sites really, but for mock-ups, internal sites ect. A while ago I started to look at it again. The drivers behind the project was essentially asking for input on what was preventing people from using the framework. The current state of the project is/was OK, except for the fact that it was hold down by all the guides and howtos referring to previous versions. It was not well documented what current best practices to follow, what to use as replacements for deprecated dependencies ect.

Not quite. It's just a client-side cache of query results matching a MongoDB query on the server (pub/sub).

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