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Everything can be done in everything else. The only question is how well it fits, how contorted does it have to be, what comes naturally.

With BEAM, robustness is a special feature. In the BEAM you can kill, restart and replace processes all over the place and everything stays working pretty well, because its structure means everything written for it is designed with that in mind.

In a typical async/await server side application sharing state across clients, killing, restarting and replacing usually means the whole single process containing all the async/await coroutines, and the fancy per-client state you were maintaining is lost.

You can of course serialise state, as well as coordinating it among multiple processes, but that takes more effort than just using async/await in a web app, and often people don't bother. Doing that right can get tricky and it requires more testing for something that doesn't happen often compared with normal requests. So instead, they let the occasional client session see a glitch or need reloading, and deem that no big deal.

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