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I started this course and the animations/presentation are amazing. some really clear explanations. But the fake cute-sy dialogue and the extra fluff that says how wonderful and amazing and great and FUN liveview is means I didn't get past the first video

I liked their Tetris videos, which I watched the first several of.

That said, if you want a different approach then check out my series at https://alchemist.camp/tagged/Reactor

I covered the whole process of building the site for my podcast https://reactor.am in the series.

Note that LiveView still isn't at v1.0 and breaking updates have been common. You'll have a much better with my LV tutorial or anyone else's if you use the exact same library versions we do and upgrade at the same point the tutorial does.

Having deployed liveview for an admin dashboard, I gotta say, it really is great FUN, and no-fuss, even if you're slinging together a system that customers never see so you don't care if the code gets a bit knotty, and your datastructures are abjectly awful.

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