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I think one thing which helps is indeed the sun, with SAD.

-30C does suck, but... and this is one downside of remote work, if you have to get out daily, drive to work, drive home, you're going to catch sun some of that time.

In many parts of Southern Ontario, you still get sun with the cold. Lots and lots of sunny days.

As a counter, I moved to Vancouver which is always 10C+ essentially in the winter, often 15C days, yet rain and cloud.

There, I experienced SAD for the first time in my life. And I ran away, moved back to Ontario, after 10 years of it.

And a day on the radio when the announcer said "It's now been 32 days since we've seen the sun". The guy wasn't kidding. It had been more than a month since the clouds parted during daylight hours.

That. Really. Sucks.

There was a stretch of 40 days or so where there was no sun even in the Bay Area. It is very rare, but it has happened (circa 2006).

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