A megadose to bump vitamin D levels has been used for years, perhaps decades, and verified to affect blood levels - a friend’s doctor recommended to them a while ago 60,000IU per month, 20,000/week or 1000/day. I don’t know the exact logic, but it’s not new.
Whether or not such a bump gives the same benefits as slow ramping (and if it delivers then more quickly or not) is something I haven’t found any studies on - but I have found in the past studies indicating sun exposure is better than supplements for the same attained blood vitamin D levels (not surprising, as vitamin D is far from the only result of sun exposure)
Whether or not such a bump gives the same benefits as slow ramping (and if it delivers then more quickly or not) is something I haven’t found any studies on - but I have found in the past studies indicating sun exposure is better than supplements for the same attained blood vitamin D levels (not surprising, as vitamin D is far from the only result of sun exposure)