I disagree with the many/most. Many/most are probably using uBlock Origin, which doesn’t try to prevent things like blocking pasting (to my knowledge). I’m sure some are using NoScript-like features... but that’s not the same as specifically preventing websites from preventing paste. It’s just a sledgehammer. I can’t name an extension to do that one task (and/or similar tasks) off the top of my head, and I’m reasonably familiar with discussions in these parts. uBlock Origin is known to be very popular, unlike an obscure “allow paste” extension. But, that’s just like, my opinion... as they say.
The point I was making is that copying and pasting seems like more effort than just typing the repo name. Do you commonly encounter long, inscrutable repo names? Do you delete repos frequently enough to have built up the habit of copying and pasting the repo name into the delete box?
If it is common enough, disabling paste would actually benefit the user based on the premise of the article.
The point I was making is that copying and pasting seems like more effort than just typing the repo name. Do you commonly encounter long, inscrutable repo names? Do you delete repos frequently enough to have built up the habit of copying and pasting the repo name into the delete box?
If it is common enough, disabling paste would actually benefit the user based on the premise of the article.