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I'm deeply glad MS is contributing not controlling, given the declining state of MSSQL. Maybe it'll motivate them to pull their socks up over their own flagship product.

there is a reason why MSSQL is called tedious in npm moudle.

what is declining in MSSQL? last 3 years were an absolute gamechanger for my use cases: dockerized linux option for linux testing, very helpful columnstore improvements, the HA story is quite impressive, in fact there are only two major drawbacks that i can tell: no command line tool like pg_dump and the awe-inspiring price of the license (though i hear still less than oracle).

start here https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/3074/use-caution-with... Many are fixed but should never have been there. Some are still extant.

There's plenty more low grade shit in what was once a goof product.

I haven't used the features you discuss but then I need basic functionality to work. I've run into stupid performance bugs with trivial CTEs, and I found a link showing a CTE error which I could duplicate (pgres got it right, mssql didn't). Can't find link, sorry.

The cost, god the cost has got so much higher. I love SQL Server but am being forced off it, especially as you need enterprise to do queryable replicas etc.

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