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T-Mobile Says Their 4G Beats iPhone 3G or They Pay You $1000 (centernetworks.com)
2 points by moses1400 on April 27, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

I have both an iPhone 3G (and a 3Gs) and a Tmobile My Touch 4G.

While the 'H' network is not available everywhere - it is available at my house and the 4G network is blazingly fast as compared to any ATT offering anywhere.

Att's coverage is horrible even for 3G.

HOWEVER: I am on the "unlimited" data plan on Tmobile.

IT HAS A 5 GIG LIMIT -- afterwhich they reduce your data speed to 7 KBPS

It renders the thing useless.

All carriers suck - but the rate limiting to such a ridiculous number is enraging.

(T-mobile also screws up my bill EVERY SINGLE MONTH and their support staff are too incompetent to fix it)

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