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At my second job in the industry I worked on a Python project that had to be deployed in a kind of sandboxed production environment where we had no internet access.

Deploys were painful, as any missing dependency had to be searched in our notebooks over 3G, then copied to an external storage, then plugged into a Windows machine, uploaded to the production server through SCP and then deployed manually over SSH. Sometimes we spent hours doing this again and again until all dependencies were finally resolved.

I worked there for almost a year, did many cool gigs and learned a lot. But my most valuable contribution came when at some point, tired of that unpredictable torture that were the deploys, started researching into solutions. I set up a pypi proxy into one of our spare office machines and routed all my daily package installs through that. Then I copied that entire proxy content into the production machine before every deploy, and voila, no more surprises.

I left this job a few weeks later, but have heard that this solution was very useful for many devs that joined the team afterwards.

I suppose no Docker containers were allowed in prod either?

Of course not. That was before docker, circa 2010. Our production environment was impossible to recreate.

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