I guess that's relatively subjective, and depends on what you or I feel is draconian.
I might feel something is a little over-the-top, but you might feel it's just fine. You might feel something is a little over-the-top, but I might feel it's just fine.
So, I guess my only answer would be that you would have to read the articles and decide for yourself.
You may have a different tolerance for the techniques described than I do.
"In the eastern province of Jiangsu, quarantine turned to imprisonment after authorities used metal poles to barricade shut the door of a family recently returned from Wuhan."
"Authorities have used computerized systems that track ID cards — which must be used to take most long-distance transport and stay in hotels — to round up people from Wuhan."
For example, I find this to be a bit much. I do, however concede that it works. You may be perfectly fine with it.
I find the prison camps in Xinjiang to be a little draconian. Plenty of other people feel that it's a wonderful idea.