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Which part is "Draconian"?

I guess that's relatively subjective, and depends on what you or I feel is draconian.

I might feel something is a little over-the-top, but you might feel it's just fine. You might feel something is a little over-the-top, but I might feel it's just fine.

So, I guess my only answer would be that you would have to read the articles and decide for yourself.

You may have a different tolerance for the techniques described than I do.

"In the eastern province of Jiangsu, quarantine turned to imprisonment after authorities used metal poles to barricade shut the door of a family recently returned from Wuhan."

"Authorities have used computerized systems that track ID cards — which must be used to take most long-distance transport and stay in hotels — to round up people from Wuhan."

For example, I find this to be a bit much. I do, however concede that it works. You may be perfectly fine with it.

I find the prison camps in Xinjiang to be a little draconian. Plenty of other people feel that it's a wonderful idea.

The second quote is literally digital contact tracing. How is that bad?

You have to consider the context.

Putting Uighurs in concentration camps is literally just helping them to learn more about the Han Chinese way of life.

Xkeyscore is literally just helping an analyst access a database.

A famine is literally just a national weight-loss program.

Extraordinary Rendition was literally just an opportunity for hundreds of people to visit other interesting parts of exotic countries.

Catch my drift? Pay attention to the 'rounding up' part that follows the contact tracing.

Again, feel free to disagree. There's a wide spectrum of opinions on this stuff.

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