If you want to self-host your photos, and you don't mind non-free software, you're welcome to try out https://photostructure.com (disclaimer: I'm the author). The beta is available for free in exchange for your feedback.
PhotoStructure is especially applicable if you want a cross-platform solution (mac, windows, linux, docker), and don't want to be tied to a specific NAS or cloud vendor[1].
Every time you open the home page you see something new, as PhotoStructure picks out random "samples" by year, or by camera, or by keyword. It's fun to see photos you haven't seen in a while!
PhotoStructure is especially applicable if you want a cross-platform solution (mac, windows, linux, docker), and don't want to be tied to a specific NAS or cloud vendor[1].
Every time you open the home page you see something new, as PhotoStructure picks out random "samples" by year, or by camera, or by keyword. It's fun to see photos you haven't seen in a while!
[1] https://photostructure.com/faq/why-photostructure/