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Show HN: New Fish – tagging time tracker (new-fish.net)
1 point by masa331 on Oct 24, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Hi everybody, author here,

New Fish is a time tracker builded around tags. You submit time entries with duration and description. The description can include tags(eg. "#programing", "#project_foo", "#something",...) and the time entries can be later grouped, filtered and analyzed by these tags.

I originally builded this to track time i spend working on accounting company i co-own so i would know which activities would be worth to automate, outsource etc. Also to know how much time is spent per specific client. Now the basic MVP functions are complete and me and also my colleagues are using it daily.

New Fish also has these features so far: teams, mass edit of entries, data export & account delete, REST API, tag autocomplete and filter saving. Now i will be working on adding more analysis capabilities - things like charts, different views, groupings etc.

Happy if you try and happy to chat!

Also this was originally purely client side JS app holding all data in local storage. About a three months back i migrated to server side solution to speed up the development but the the JS app can be still used here: https://github.com/Masa331/fish. However note that it lacks a lot of features.

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