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> Moreover you are trying to justify the suffering of people by using some hypothetical scenario that hasn’t occurred.

I don't think he's justifying anything. He's questioning the nature of this world where a clear black and white decision is not always possible. He is saying in this case could there be No justifiable action possible?

The hypothetical scenario is likely to help you empathize with the events from the chinese perspective. You cannot relate to the people reacting to terrorism in China. However, by envisioning a similar/equivalent scenario in your own country can possibly help you identify with the situation from their perspective. That is the purpose of the hypothetical.

The question still stands if the posed equivalent situation was happening in America, what is the appropriate response? I don't know how to answer his question, do you?

>Killing millions of people is not a proper response to and isolated terrorist act

Don't play with words here. Millions are missing in concentration camps getting reeducated, this isn't actual genocide. This is not equivalent to sending the military to another country and conducting actual killings. What China is doing is still atrocious but quite different then literal slaughter.

Also it's not a response to one isolated incident. Several terrorism acts with hundreds slaughtered and no end in sight is what is actually going on. I don't think you would call several 9/11's happening on american soil isolated terrorist attacks. Perhaps terrorism attacks in China seem isolated to you but this is not the case to a Chinese person.

You keep comparing apples to oranges in order to fabricate an argument. There is no systemic genocide perpetrated by the USA. Maybe if you believed in your argument you’d reply with your real account, not a green one.

>Maybe if you believed in your argument you’d reply with your real account, not a green one.

Looking at his karma which is barely anything in all accounts likely he has no real account. Also the usage of other accounts is likely a symptom of a post limit. Either he can respond to you with another account, or he can ignore you because he can't respond with the same account. Either way these actions are not sanctioned by the site.

>You keep comparing apples to oranges in order to fabricate an argument. There is no systemic genocide perpetrated by the USA

You can call it whatever you want. There was a sponsoring of troops by the US to slaughter people abroad for over a decade. Mass slaughter in the name of war rather than genocide.

The chinese are not slaughtering people. They are putting them in concentration camps and educating them. Torture, Indoctrination and brainwashing are the more appropriate terms with the accurate sentiment.

So yeah you're not wrong it is in way apples and oranges. Do you end terrorism by slaughtering terrorists? Or do you end terrorism by torturing, brainwashing and indoctrinating them? Pick the apple or the orange.

Oh and in both cases there will be innocent bystanders affected.

I am not defending the wars the USA has had. I also feel that the number of collateral damage in the past two decades has been absurd and unjustified. I did not vote for the man who allowed drone strikes on children. Thankfully, the United States has made an effort in the past four years to leave the Middle East.

Nevertheless, this does not justify the actions of the CCP eradicating a whole culture and it’s people. The argument is still unsubstantiated. No global leaders besides the current POTUS are condemning this behavior either, which is a shame. I can only vote with my wallet.

I never justified it. Nothing was justified here at all. There was also no argument made by me. Nor did I say you were defending the US. All I asked was a question:

What action should you take if there are repeated terrorist acts happening in your country where people are slaughtered by the hundreds? You only know the origin of these terror attacks originate from a specific cultural ethnic group, and you know you need to stop the attacks now or the next attack could harm your family.

It's a hard question, but posing a hard question isn't a justification of of the atrocities committed by China. It's more of an illustration of the complexity of the situation and an illustration of the darker capabilities that can erupt from within every individual when the situation is extreme... Anyway the question still stands... what would you do?

The other part of the of the question is to help people rise to a higher level and analyze the full complexity of the situation rather than have a simple minded gut reaction to everything. The world is complex and no single action can really be placed in a "justified" box or an "unjustified" box, yet this is how people think.

You go after the terrorist organization. Not people who aren’t terrorists. Don’t paint the Uighurs as terrorists. There are millions missing. You tell me they all were a threat to China’s national security? This is the pretext for genocide?

How is this a question? “They attacked China with knifes, isn’t China in the right for erasing them out of existence?”

This is the worst argument I have seen on Hacker News.

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