Oh, come on. You are bringing that into this discussion. The topic is not people's private search or browsing history. Political advertisements are very clearly a public issue.
Americans may not have a right to know whose paying for the propaganda we see, but, as far as I know, we do have a right to know what political propaganda is being spread and what groups.
>But that library excludes information about the targeting that determines who sees the ads.
>The researchers behind the NYU Ad Observatory said they wanted to provide journalists, researchers, policy makers, and others with the ability to search political ads by state and contest to see what messages are targeted to specific audiences and how those ads are funded.
The point of the research is to figure out what ads Facebook shows to which users, which is of course particularly important for people who try to do research on how ads on Facebook intersect with politics.
I have someone on my contact list in fb who honestly thinks that QAnon exposes pedophiles. I can't wrap my head around how the heck they've reached that conclusion.
On Fox News, the left is nothing but a violent BLM mob being cheered on by supportive governors. Supported by Soros.
On MSNBC, the right is nothing but a violent fascist mob being cheered on by a supportive president. Supported by the Koch brothers.
Thankfully, we live in a country where the average person is not crazy. Unfortunately, you'd never know that from watching what passes for news these days.
Yes, the right has their own boogeymen, like Antifa and BLM.
However I'm willing to bet you don't see anything about Q in right wing news sources is there is literally nothing to write about them except "these guys think Trump is fighting a deep underground pedo cabal" and I'm sure they don't want to antagonize their readers.
So Q doesn't exist, despite "plenty of imagery and video on twitter", but I should take "MrAndyNgo", a Twitter nobody completely at face value? I've been to Portland recently. Plenty of people were outside eating at restaurants. The "anarchy" is greatly overblown by the media.
I don't mean to downplay the impact of either movement, but to dismiss QAnon as "liberal conspiracy" when simultaneously only getting news from, what seems like a Twitter agitator, AndyNgo is concerning.
He's not a "twitter nobody", he's a blue check journalist who runs https://thepostmillennial.com/ and frequently appears on TV. All I'm saying is QAnon, if it's not a dumb LARP by some teenager, at least doesn't set police cruisers on fire and doesn't kill people for wearing a hat it doesn't like. So if we were going down the list of dangerous societal things to address it would be nowhere close to the top.
>All I'm saying is QAnon, if it's not a dumb LARP by some teenager, at least doesn't set police cruisers on fire and doesn't kill people for wearing a hat it doesn't like.
Bruh what? Qanon has incited a lot of violence. Getting someone to commit acts of violence on your behalf is worse than specific acts of violence by people that choose to do so without provocation. [0].
Anyways, comparing qanon, an anonymous conspiratorial propagandist to BLM:
>decentralized political and social movement advocating for non-violent civil disobedience in protest against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people. [1]
...or antifa, [2]:
>an anti-fascist action and left-wing political movement in the United States comprising an array of autonomous groups and individuals that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of both nonviolent and violent direct action rather than through policy reform.
...which are basically spontaneously formed groups of people supporting specific political causes...
indicates that you do not understand the complexity of events since qanons appearance. yet you speak confidently as if you did and go on to condemn countless millions that support antifa or blm for their tenuous proximal association to anarchists or looters. Such irrational comparisons indicate an emotional response to whatever you perceive antifa and blm to represent.
Antifa and blm protests make specific demands at their demonstrations. Time and time again we see their demonstrations disrupted by radicalized agent provocateurs, opportunists, anarchists and others. Please disambiguate yourself when speaking about millions of people. It's easy to say an opportunistic person looting target is blm. Just as easy as it is to say anyone defending qanon, or intimidating voters by playing soldier at polling places is a proud boy/Aryan brother/whatever racist right wing group is in the news for a hate crime that day.
Proud boys, kkk, Aryan Brotherhood and countless others are violent terrorist organizations that have initial ceremonies, membership lists, and responsibilities. Antifa and blm do not. Trump can't even condemn white supremacists in the most generic of terms. On top of that he's frequently referenced q conspiracies lending whatever credibility you attribute to trump to qanon.
The link between trump, qanon, and racist terrorist organizations is stronger than any links between the countless millions of people who fly antifa or blm signs.
The post is completely false and partisan. Trump said specifically he would denounce any group the moderator wanted. He has denounced white supremacy over 20 times on video over the past 4 years. Why so many times? Because the Democrats lie so much about him that the media keeps asking the same question. The same question was even asked at the 2016 debate with the same moderator. Then you have literally thousands of videos of people carrying antics flags, shouting BLM, and lighting things on fire, looting, etc. proud boys are not white supremacist either, they have plenty of black members and their leader is Hispanic. All it takes is a little time googling to find ANY of this or watch a legit news organization like Fox News that actually show the videos and tapes. It’s insane how many people claim Fox News to be fake or stories to be fake, but they literally show video evidence of all the violence meanwhile other media will say it’s “peaceful protests,” but for those of us there we know these protests shouting “No peace” are not peaceful.
I have a good one. Here's the "fine people hoax" where he very specifically denounces white supremacists. Joe's entire campaign was started on a lie. You're being lied to by the press about nearly everything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WWoXwUIywQ
Second part of the quote which you have not heard so far: "And I'm not talking about the neo-nazis and white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally."
That's not a citation. That links to an alex Jones styled YouTube channel with breathless conspiratorial text superimposed over cherry pickedclips of what appears to broadcast tv, however their origin and veracity is as suspect as the person running the account.
Trump has never said: "I condemn white supremacists". Four words. Dead simple.
Here I'll say it. I condemn white supremacists. I condemn white supremacy. Your turn.