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> And the worst being the attribute #[] syntax... why?! Almost every other language uses @attribute, and it is successful: simple to write, easy to read, why on earth a new and such complicated solution?

Simple, it was already taken up [1]. Also `@attribute` syntax is by no way universal (and semantics wildly vary even with the same syntax): `#[]` in particular might have been inspired by Rust.

[1] https://www.php.net/language.operators.errorcontrol

The rfcs have a lot of discussion on those subjects indeed, but I still disagree with the choice!

Also, the current use of @ is before a function call or some get, not before a method/class/... declaration, so a change in that direction would probably be possible. (plus the @ to suppress errors should probably be removed from the language anyway!)

It's not possible because PHP has a LALR(1) parser but this would require arbitrary lookahead.

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