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All good advice for the average PHP developer, but I think it is overkill for someone that is starting with PHP just to keep alive a very old app.

Adding tests for an app with no documentation requires a lot of effort.

Of course, that's why the list is sorted, he might never make it pass 1 :)

Yes. Upgrading really old php application (v4? really?) to v8 is such a big step it will need much dedication, so many things changed between 4 and 5 its not easy. And even upgrading 5 to 7 may break so many things. I would not like to switch with him.

> Adding tests for an app with no documentation requires a lot of effort.

code tests yes. Assuming it's a web app, probably not too hard. Get something that records the browser interactions, and do the common tasks people do (log in, click links, make a report, etc). Having general things like that automated to ensure you can run them repeatedly to make sure basic stuff didn't break unexpectedly will help provide some confidence when making changes.

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