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Bongo Cat (bongo.cat)
1348 points by mrpadie on Oct 23, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 190 comments

Please add `return false` or `event.preventDefault()` to your keyboard handlers!

Otherwise the browser assumes the page didn't do anything with the events and uses its default keyboard handlers. I have find-as-you-type enabled, and pressing keys launches search for me. Handlers need to "eat" the keyboard events to prevent default browser behavior.

Also: I had Russian keyboard layout when I opened the link, and nothing at all worked. Switching to English fixed it. You should be using key codes, not characters, unless you're accepting text input. Key codes correspond to physical keys on the keyboard, but characters they type don't necessarily.

edit: oh it's on github, gonna submit an issue

Yes! I use colemak, so its rather annoying when there's games that assume WASD but use characters and don't let me rebind the keys.

Also HN, please add "`" for inline monospace text.

what? why?

backtick code comments/snippets from source text are. really not widely standardized, I don't think it makes sense to encourage them without an accompanying web standard, or at least some kind of standard

I'd say that CommonMark is a pretty widely-utilized standard defining formatting including `inline code` snippets.

Gotcha, didn't realize it was standardized. I feel like I heard about CommonMark when it first was announced and I more or less wrote it off as another markup format, but thanks for the clarification.

My poor little internet points <\3 sorry HN for the unforgivable offense of asking a benign question

CommonMark is some kind of standard, and HN’s current syntax is a subset of it.

HN isn’t a web standard.

The markup that it uses for comments should use one though - and apparently it does! Others have mentioned that it uses a subset of CommonMark as mentioned in your post's sibling comments.


The page with HN's formatting options is a bit hidden (in the FAQ). I'm not surprised people don't know about it. https://news.ycombinator.com/formatdoc

In case you want (like me) to share your best art with you colleagues:

let e = $.Event('keyup'); '09090586 '.split('').map((k, i) => {setTimeout(()=>{$.play(InstrumentPerKeyEnum[k],k,e.type==="keydown")}, i * 200); setTimeout(() => {$.play(InstrumentPerKeyEnum[k],k,e.type==="keyup")}, i * 250)});

I think bongo cat needs a MIDI interpreter

let e = $.Event('keyup'); Math.PI.toFixed(50).split('').map((k, i) => {setTimeout(()=>{$.play(InstrumentPerKeyEnum[k],k,e.type==="keydown")}, i * 200); setTimeout(() => {$.play(InstrumentPerKeyEnum[k],k,e.type==="keyup")}, i * 250)});

It's not working in the console

Indeed, I forgot to define `e` on the same line, cheers.

Nice! the ending was fun :)

While the website has barely any text, consider adding a translated option in Catalan. .cat domain is used to highlight the Catalan language[1]. nyan.cat offers a Catalan version because of this.

I think this is checked regularly, but I'm not sure.

[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/.cat

There is already an issue[1] on GitHub regarding this...

[1] https://github.com/Externalizable/bongo.cat/issues/144

This is great fun. The code may not be perfect, nor translated into 100 languages, nor built with microservices on an instantly scalable architecture, and not even leveraging AI, but that's why it's so awesome. Thank you for posting this today. After the week we had here in Colorado I needed it.

Showed it to my young kids who promptly took my phone and ran away making various instument noises until I took it away 15 minutes later. Love it!

Some of these definitely are more memorable than the original


It uses jQuery extensively. The frontend developer in me wants to make a fork written in typescript using react and redux toolkit to manage keystrokes. Then I realize it is just a fun toy.

This industry’s best kept secret is that jQuery is as awesome today as it was 10 years ago.

The DOM API is so much nicer than the native one it’s not even funny.

And when you are not dealing with thousands of buttons you realize you don’t need a virtual DOM. You may even come to the conclusion that if you have so much state in a single view, maybe your UI sucks.

And that beneath all the React hype, there were people doing “components“ and “server side rendering” in PHP, Python, Ruby, Java for decades.

But I’m not gonna get grumpy this early in the morning.

While i use React at work for bigger things, I've come to use Vue for almost all my "smaller" hacks since it becomes a win to use almost as soon as you start using inputs. After this it scales pretty well up for anything that is on "one page".

Apart from work things the main example would be a that I built a small audio sequencer hacked together with Vue. That project would've been suicidal to do in JQuery but also went far quicker to make than if i would've been messing around with doing everything "properly" in React. (Iirc the entire thing is <1000 loc)

My main "issue" right now is if i should just leave it and let it be useful at the current level (perfect for creating small retro-style chip tunes with fixed audio channel tone generator controls). Or to remake it in React to enable more easily supporting stuff like view plugins (to control parameters custom instrument/filter plugins), I.e. in principle making it more "application" like rather than just a small one-page hack.

I never understood this “suicidal” critique of jQuery. I've never got so tangled up in my own code to feel the urge to switch to a different model.

I've seen Backbone.js, Angular, React, etc, all come and go and none ever answered the “why would I want that” question to me. I remember using Prototype.js and MooTools.js and when I saw jQuery's home page I knew instantly the “why” and the answer was an instant and rejoicing “yes”.

I use https://umbrellajs.com/ whenever I can get away with it. Lesser overhead than jQuery but much of the convenience I need for my prototypes.

(TL;DR; It's just a different way of working with less manual code)

I never spent much time on webdev in the era where jQuery came into being but as I've understood (and from the jQuery code I've seen since) it solved basic issues in working with manipulating the DOM and gives powerful animation tools,etc. So as you say the upgrade over the browser API DOM manipulation is obvious, clear and direct.

I'd say that my background is mainly from games, where you usually setup your own data structures and then rendered them as it fit.

From time to time I've worked on custom tools on native platforms (win32/GDI/MFC, Java/Swing,etc) and working with these is conceptually similar to using the DOM (manipulating objects like adding buttons, responding to events, reading data from input boxes on events,etc) and there is always relatively lot of work with shipping data in and out of the UI objects (either keep data synchronized between UI and internal model or reading data from the UI continually).

Compared to your game rendering code that usually just needs to iterate internal data this always felt like a lot of manual work to keep UI and internal data in sync.

Considering for example a 3D program where you can drag around an object with some arrows, while those arrows are dragged an input-box is updated with the new values and if you want to align the position you might edit the value manually in the input box and have the 3D view show the new position as you edit it. On top of these 2 sources of value changes you might have an animation system wanting that might change these values while animating (so that they are visible to the user), this kinda stuff is usually a buggy nightmare to maintain once you have it in a few many places.

This is why I like Vue and React (Angular.JS also had this to a degree even if it's implementation was weaker than Vue), with both of them you only need to concern yourself with how your internal data works/looks and operations are simple to do since they only operate on that internal data.

Then the Vue templates (or your React rendering functions) takes care of visualizing it with the associated automatic functionality to adjust the internal values if changed by the user.

Thanks for sharing. I have very little experience with game engines but React/Vue always resembled them to me a bit. Here's the data, render when changed. I just don't think it's needed in most Web cases.

Sure, if you attach behavior code to every interactive element directly, all of which are controlling the same portion of the screen and depending on each other, it's a recipe for a mess.

If, however, you call somewhat generalized functions on those events, with basic DRY strategies in mind, it's all very clear and manageable well into the thousands of lines, with no need of running a gaming engine in JS, creating a templating language that must be transpiled, etc.

edit: >less manual code

jQuery code if often smaller and clearer, I mean check this classic:

jQuery: https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/blob/gh-pages/examples/jq...

React: https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/blob/gh-pages/examples/re... https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/blob/gh-pages/examples/re... https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/blob/gh-pages/examples/re... https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/blob/gh-pages/examples/re... https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/blob/gh-pages/examples/re...

And that was my original point, using React for a small one page thing like this is grossly overkill but Vue is a good smaller alternative at this scale that gives you most benefits.

I looked at the jQuery example above and checked the Vue example in the same repo. That example has about as many lines total but the Vue example is 30% smaller in total due to shorter lines.


mooTools was great back in the day (oh man, we're old). And jQuery was a great improvement from that.

Prototype was a great initiative, but I think the community was right when it decided to go the jQuery route, and not append new functions to the prototype. Even though prototype never really caught on, working with websites where it was used partially, or scraping data on websites that used it, has caused me plenty of issues over the years.

You left out 2 frameworks that are important in answering your question, and those are YUI, and jQuery UI. And both of them attempted to answer the same issue. The issue was thus:

In jQuery's hayday, developers wrote code by appending jQuery scripts to events. If you click this button, then the code in $(yourButton).click(function(){}) would run. But at the time, writing OOP, or even well moduled code in javascript was extremely difficult to do, as very few developers invested time into setting up a module system via CommonJS, or AMD modules, with requireJS or Browserify or etc, and almost never did so by default with a normal jQuery page.

The end result is that once your average webpage hit a certain level of complexity, the page itself would have thousands and thousands of lines of JS, each one written as a completely standalone script, triggered off of some jQuery event on the page.

And this is just fundamentally not a good way to program. In what other world would we write code, and say that our architecture is that each user action can trigger a stand-alone script, and that's good enough? Except for JS it was worse, because without a moduling system, there were often conflicts and soft dependencies everywhere between said scripts. Above a certain complexity level, refactoring code from this timeperiod is a complete and utter nightmare. It doesn't help that the inability to program using cleaner architectures resulted in many programmers writing off JS as a "toy" and not a real language, whereupon many of these programmers would then go on to write "toy" level quality of code.

jQuery UI, and YUI both attempted to solve this problem by building a component based approach to organizing your events. Basically enforcing a very simple OOP framework in a world where writing AMD or CommonJS modules was a pain in the neck.

They're both okay. At my company there's still old code from before and after these frameworks came out, and among pages that have thousands of lines of JS, the pages that use these frameworks are miles and miles easier to refactor than the ones that just rely on pure jQuery. We usually take to just completely burning and replacing the pre-Yui/pre-jQuery UI pages, but the Y/jUI pages we can usually refactor or actually debug.

Backbone.js took the lessons learned in YUI and jQuery UI and wrote the first real framework that was any good at building a modern UI architecture that worked in the browser. I could go to a dev who was building a WPF app in MVVM, and explain backbone.js in a few minutes, and they got it. It wasn't perfect, but it was far better than what we had before.

Node.JS standardized how to actually write functional or OOP code in JS.

Angular and React took the lessons learned and failed by backbone, and added in the fact that with the advent of Node, people actually started writing JS as a first-level language.

Angular was an iteration on the problems attempted to be solved by yUI and jQuery widgets. That's to say, Angular's entire approach was to build a heavily boiler-plated framework so that individual developers could write UI scripts in relative isolation from each other, in a very easy to debug manner. It is and was basically what every large development project manager / team lead has been asking for since the early 2000s for JS development. A framework that is so boilerplate heavy, opinionated, and hand-holdy that it becomes easy to debug and review the majority of the code written by your junior JS devs. Its no wonder it was the first framework to heavily enforce static typing and typescript, or that it was pushed by Google. Though Angular has iterated many times over the years, its initial versions were explicitly written with the intent to be used by project managers writing JS who weren't programmers, and to me, it often feels like it is inspired by enterprise JAVA type decision making. You can use Angular for anything, but to me where it really, truly shines is if you have a webpage with a well defined layout, need specific parts of that page to have heavy but isolated user interaction, and your team is not a JS-first shop. This isn't the only place where Angular shines, but my god does it shine in that particular combination.

React took the opposite approach. It also iterated on the successes and failures of backbone. But it attempted to do so with an approach that provided the bare minimum for front end developers to write modern web apps, and give developers an opt-in approach to included what parts of the library they would like to use, and make it easy for developers to write their own packages to be used with the library. Where angular attempted to provide its own core libraries (and correct way to use them) for every possible need a developer could have when building a web page, react trusted the community to develop JS on its own.

Vue, mithril, etc all iterate on react's decisions.

I enjoyed reading that, thanks. It did, however, reinforced my impression that these frameworks are trying to solve a problem I don't have.

>But at the time, writing OOP, or even well moduled code in javascript was extremely difficult to do

JavaScript is still the same, you still can and pollute the global window object, use global variables, etc.

It seems these frameworks are mostly about enforcing a code style, best practices when dealing with large teams with very different experience levels. Since I work mostly alone and clients don't care what tech stack I choose, I guess I'm in luck.

> JavaScript is still the same, you still can and pollute the global window object, use global variables, etc.

If you are writing in a modern framework, this is now not possible, without really, intentionally, breaking a lot of things to be able to do so.

> It seems these frameworks are mostly about enforcing a code style, best practices when dealing with large teams with very different experience levels.

Its more like finally having a real programming language, but for backwards compatibility, you can still peer under your framework and libraries and see all the nonsense that used to be available.

> Since I work mostly alone and clients don't care what tech stack I choose, I guess I'm in luck.

Most likely if you're a single person working on such projects, you usually won't hit the complexity needed to justify these tools. That said, since most modern work is being done within them, you are also missing out on the ability to leverage those capabilities when needed. But fair enough!

Oh, so that's what all the JS slang was about in all those webdev vacancies I've seen over the past 10 years or so?!

I'm an embedded guy (very little idea about webdev stuff). Nice summary :)

> My main "issue" right now is if i should just leave it and let it be useful at the current level [...]. Or [...] making it more "application" like rather than just a small one-page hack.

Both, perhaps (ie. fork it)?

Maybe down the line (too many side projects already). I really should just add that little extra bit of work to make the Vue version usable.

UI wise i need to add an envelope editor instead of entering numbers manually, the player code already has support for envelopes although it needs a bit fixing with how sustain is handled.

Would be fun to "put up" the project for public consumption, took the opportunity to try out a serverless backend (since this isn't something i plan to manage myself or think will pull or cost in any real money) and that was fairly easy for what i have in mind (adding the possibility to share tunes and some 3rd party login for saving stuff maybe)

Have you tried webcomponents?

Does it solve data-binding? From what I've understood of WC it's about making developing customized elements saner?

It doesn’t, and probably why it hasn’t really caught on.

Then you realise this is what a lot of people spend their working lives doing, rewriting frontend code in a different framework for no good reason other than they want to.

Yeah, no native tools ever get written in different languages and frameworks. Or is it only not acceptable when Front End developers do it?

Personally I've never known anyone do this for any other reason but educational reasons. When I wanted to learn React, I copied other websites in React. I do similar things when I'm learning Golang, or C, or any other language I'm interested in.

I’m not sure what the go/C equivalent of “Ugh, you’re using jQuery? Time for a rewrite” is. It happens a lot more in frontend land than in the rest of the developer ecosystem.

> I’m not sure what the go/C equivalent of “Ugh, you’re using jQuery? Time for a rewrite” is.

Observed "in the wild":

C » C++

C++ » C++ w. STL

C++ » C#


WinForms » WPF » Silverlight » UWP

Edited to add:

Java EJBs » Java Servlets » Java Spring

C++ » Java » C#

You're describing switching to a different language. There's plenty of that going around no matter what language you're using. But I don't recall once seeing anyone decide to rewrite something in the equivalent of a different C "framework". There's certainly a lot less of that outside of frontend development.

That's because if you want to write for the Web Platform, you haven't been able to switch languages; you were largely stuck with JavaScript for decades.

Contrast that to writing for the Windows Platform--you could easily choose one of many languages.

Several of the examples I listed are frameworks or the equivalent.

“Ugh, you’re using C? Time for a Rust rewrite.”

*somebody wants to...

You have a fully working application where the only major issues can be easily fixed by adding `event.preventDefault()` to the keystroke handlers. Instead, you want to throw all that away and rewrite it with some new tool/framework, inevitably introducing new bugs and issues. Unless this is a joke, the question is why?

For the same reason that the original was developed: for fun!

You are having fun using a modern stack? Please teach me!

Well, for starters, I guess picking a project topic that is fun helps. You could do a lot worse than a bongo cat meme in that regard

No, but then I didn’t make this.

Sad state of JS frontend. Overcomplicating things is the first thought that we have now, then we think about the requirements.

Complain about JQuery yet this loads in less than 300ms.

Struggle to imagine any React/Redux engineer I know getting this on the screen in even 3 seconds let alone sub 1. Depresses me how even 10 second webpage load times are considered acceptable in that toolchain, I know it's capable of better but it clearly needs more work to get there than people are willing to put in.

You and I must be using very different react applications.

Please send the react engineers you know my way, I'm begging here.

Why single out JS? Everything developers do nowadays is overcomplicated. See all the posts from large companies saying they switched to this and that for tenuous at best reasons. Then we get a post later saying they're switching back.

It really isnt. Poor developers might, but poor developers will over complicate things in any domain.

The problem is, the industry favors overcomplicating developers, because there's more of them, over those who actually have a clue what their code is doing.

You could also throw a java back end while you are at it.

Also it is missing MongoDB and Kubertenes cluster.

What about logging? Elastic is a must in every deployment!

And we haven't even discussed microservices architecture & CI/CD pipelines. Should we included AI powered monitoring?

Let's bake in some blockchain while we're rewriting this to run serverless with rust->wasm on cloudflare workers to make it 5G ready!

We're still locked into a single vendor! Let's make it hybrid-cloud behind a service mesh and add an on-premises OpenFaaS instance.

Why so oldschool? Isn’t the new coolness to rewrite your frontend in Rust compiled to WASM? :P

Yet, it's fast. Browsers will always be optimised for the most common JS functions, which even today are nothing else, but showing very basic jQuery based interactive pages.

wait what why?

Probably a joke

But why ?

CV padding.


Actually art would be same but using something like GANs or genetic algorithms something overcomplex would hilarious.

or Vue

If you're not familiar with the origins of bongo cat: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/bongo-cat

This is delightful. It would be nice though if you could play a full scale/octave of notes on the keyboard and marimba.

Right now you can only play the first 10 notes (semitones) of the chromatic scale so it makes it a little unusable musically.

It would be awesome and playable if it was:

- All 12 semitones plus octave (13 notes total)

or if limited space for buttons is an issue

- 7 notes of a major scale plus octave (8 notes total)

I made an app in such playful style but without memes, maybe crowd in this thread would appreciate it. It would at least keep your kids occupied for few minutes.



I love this app! I've had it installed for a while because the hexagonal note layout is fascinating

Very fun 2452 997 2452 775 2452 57421175 Rick Astley - Never gonna give you up

I think 57421175 is actually 57420075 but the keyboard doesn't go low enough


The fact that this is at the top of HN at 3am gives me hope.

It's 3am for American mostly. There are lots of other countries that also use HN!

11 AM in Europe! We are pushing it on top of HN

11 PM in New Zealand! Yes, this is how I enjoy spending a Friday night.

2020 has been hard on us all.

Oh god. This site is be...

I'm not sure I understand why this is even on HN. It doesn't seem to quite fit (especially the weekday stuff).

Bongo cat plays bongos, at 3 in the morning.

it’s lunchtime somewhere(here for ex)

Woke up. Got out of bed. Played some bongo cat.

Why hope?

To play Beethoven, press keys

0 9 0 9 0 5 - 8 6 3

Happy Birthday To You:

1 1 3 1 - 6 5

1 1 3 1 - 8 6

1 1 1 0 - 6 5 3

1 1 0 6 8 6

- modified a bit, as only 10 of 12 notes are reachable.

Thank you for this. This is the only thing I can play on guitar and now I can play this on Bongo Cat.

That is actually Beethoven's Für Elise, not Mozart.

or in this case, just Fur Elise.

You are right, sorry :)

Deeply sad that this makes no sound on my iPhone cos my kids would find this hilarious.

You have to take it out of silent mode.

Ah, I am so used to video on the web not being muted that this didn't occur to me. Thanks!

Although it then remutes if I lock and unlock, or switch away. iOS is fun.

You might need to take it out of silent mode with the physical switch on the side of the phone

Yeah, that works the first time, but then sound is gone again when you switch away to another app and back to Safari. It's really no big deal, just feels like it must be frustrating working on user experiences like this across devices!

it is web audio api thing. Apple mute the Web Audio Api when it is on vibration mode.

Confirmed. No sound if in silent mode. Works fine if you switch the sound back on.

Working fine here - iPhone 7 running iOS 14.1

The last time I checked, we didn't have a whole lot of songs that feature a cat playing the cowbell and therefore I would be doing myself a disservice, and every member of the HN if I didn't perform the hell out of this.

More Cowbell!!! F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F

Thanks for the fun distraction for a few minutes :)

The piano and marimba doesn't quite have a full scale, consider using -, = and [, ] to add the extra couple of notes!

I would love to be able to upload a midi to this...

Protip: disable Vimium.

I'd never heard of Bongo Cat until now and it brings back fond memories.

Back in 2006, a while after the passing of my previous cat (Kira), I became the new subordinate of two six week old sibling tuxedo kittens, Buzz (male) and Blossom (female). They were pre-named by the cat rescue place and I didn't have any better ideas, and so those names stuck for a while. Explaining "Blossom" was sometimes a challenge if you know me, 20st at the time, petrol head, beer, curry, other things, but do love cats.

Anyway, Buzz grew into this almost 5ft long (but not fat, or overweight) slightly clumsy cat in his "teens"; there was a laptop flooded by a glass of water, a not inexpensive B&W speaker broken by an attempted leap (grrr)...usual cat stuff.

Privately I started calling him "Bongo", I don't know why, it just seemed appropriate, and suited him. I also started calling Blossom, his sister mini-bongo around the house, but then mini-puss. Blossom was the runt of the litter (there were three cats in the photo, I offered to take all of them, Buzz was the middle cat, Blossom was the tiny one).

Anyway just a story.

Sadly Bongo (Buzz) passed away due to kidney issues at the age of 10 back in 2014. I miss him, he was so good natured (as is Blossom) and an amazing lump of feline friendlyness, seeing this today brought a wee tear to my eye.

Anyway, some links to these awesome pals:

https://imgur.com/bMr725m ("Bongo")

https://imgur.com/YGZZOAW (Younger days)

https://imgur.com/oq124oJ ("Bongo...again")

https://imgur.com/Fsgmqsd (When Buzz broke into a bag of paperwork when I left the house for a couple of hours)

https://imgur.com/NZLsF59 (They still managed to squeeze into their kitten bed somehow even after five years)

https://imgur.com/voqjl0F (Blossom, pretty much today, a bit of a lopsided sit, but 14 and a half years old and still as crazy as ever).

The Bongos correspond nicely with the left and right hands. Left side ( letter a ) corresponds with the cat's left hand (from my view ), and right side ( letter d ) corresponds with the cat's right hand.

This is reversed for the Piano and Marimba for some reason which I think should be fixed.

I have installed an Android app for use in emergencies: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.miknik.bon...

The interaction mechanism is quite well done - it provides very different (and appropriate) mechanisms for laptop/phone. Though I wish we could tap on the bongos directly instead of using the seperate buttons on an Android phone.

Finally, some real life use for that n-key rollover feature of my new keyboard :D

After recent guitar lessons copyright disputes I've decided to learn perfect pitch. No need for written material if can hear it.

Online tools I've found present note in all octaves, which I found confusing. So I've created own tool — no frameworks, 5603 bytes, entire code displayed on the page (except soundfont-player library).


I logged in on my phone to tell you this is based.

based on what?

Just in case you're not joking, it's slang


I didn't know either of these

based on music.

…and cat-pilled.


Feature request: Looping -> Being able to record a sequence or more and then using them as background.

I was thinking the same thing!

Now I just wonder if it is technically possible to save a playing session in a MIDI file.

(I'm musically illiterate but I assume that, except for the meow, all instruments from this site follows the usual music rules. Sorry if what I just written is nonsense)

Should be definitely doable and fairly easy afaik.

Quick google search also reveals a few libraries [0] that should help.

[0] https://www.npmjs.com/package/midi-writer-js

IS a matter of time befores someone uploads a video playing Is The Final Countdown on this.


The sounds don't seem well balanced. The cow bell is very loud and when I turn down overall volume I can't even hear the bongos. I bet they are normalised rather than balanced for perceived loudness.

This is exactly how it should be. Cowbells are loud!

How else could it be? https://youtu.be/ALBViu_o-cw

09755 09755 7775112 111779990 7799900 0990 799900 0990...

The 1 should be one semitone lower, but it's still decent. Contra Walken, there is in fact too much cowbell if you try to play it simultaneously.

Cute toy, but the links right below the buttons are absolutely infuriating.

Totally worked with sound on mobile Opera, Firefox and Chrome (Android 10)

It's getting increasingly more surreal to see Bongo Cat popping up everywhere when you know the person who did the original art for it. NEVER expected to see it here on Hacker News.

Now back to lurking.

Are you the person who created bongo cat

No, just happen to be a friend of theirs. More specifically, I know the artist, not the person who made it a meme. It's been very strange seeing their art evolve from doodle to meme to merchandise to whatever this qualifies as. Derivative work?

Mouse clicks also play the bongos, and other mouse buttons meow.

There's a cat-and-mouse joke in there somewhere...

Very cool. I wish the keyboard and marimba had notes instead of numbers for their button names though. It would open up more possibilities for playing tunes easily

Nice. Would be extra nice touch if long press would produce muted sound (cut out early) as the cat keeps its paw on the bongo drum / cowbell.

It's fun and game, but there is too much latency between my keyboard and the output sound. It is impossible to overdub something.

I got significant latency as well that made it unusable to play as an instrument, in Safari and Chrome on Mac... surprisingly you seem to be the only other one reporting the issue I see so far though.

No latency at all for me. Was able to play pretty complicated stuff and I'm used to the Launchpad X.

That took me back to the fun days of the late 90's. Thanks for this I really needed it. The internet can still be fun.

I can't thank you enough for posting this

Came across this little gem earlier - did not expect it to hit the front page! All credit to the original authors. Enjoy!

lol, while I was playing with the piano notes, I accidentally hit my laptop's "play" button. Meanwhile, my wife had queued up "spooky background music" in spotify. I was legitimately giving the site props for asking me to play along to a slowed-down electronica version of the Jaws theme.

cant play bongos and piano at the same time

So it's true to life

Hint: two devices (At least on my Android, multitouch didn't work across two split-screen apps.)


Works fine on an iPad in split-screen mode.

This is really cool, especially for my 8yo

It's impressive that this checks for the system theme switches between dark/light modes

Cute, but some of the keybindings aren't great for (us few) Dvorak users.

It is perfect the way it is.

Press and hold space.

You're welcome ^_^

Has anyone mapped a fully functioning "piano" to the keyboard?

I love how so many recent websites respect system theme preferences.

But for some reason, no major news site can figure it out.

I needed this, thank you.

Thanks, this is going to be perfect for my daily remote stand-ups!

It would be even more fun if there was a looper built into it.

Just what I needed to jump-start my productivity today!

My two year old refuses to stop playing the bongos now.

Sliding your fingers over more rows at a time is fun.

I just spent 5 minutes on this .. and loved it

Why does it presume the cat is right pawed?

Well, there goes my productivity for today

I found hope in my life, thank you.

This is what the internet is for.

I love it!

ugh, there goes ANY chance of having a productive friday! ;D

Not enough instruments to play Steve Reich's Drumming!

So cute LOL


Feature requests:

- ability to save played melodies,

- ranked playlist.

There is a cat for that (C)

HN vehemently attacks FB for removing Holocaust denial groups and upvotes a cat hitting a synth.

Not the same people necessarily, but the same community.

I can't stop hitting the space key

Needs a replay saving feature.

Why am I upvoting this?

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