In solar, there are no naturally occurring concentrated sources of energy. We have to concentrate it in certain ways, or use solar panels.
Residential solar will definitely reduce load and transmission losses. However a broad strategy must be required by governments to plan and establish solar plants.
For example, it makes sense to have a coherent solar planning policy taking into account the huge consumers of electricity (cities and industries) and planning solar plants near them, reducing the losses in transmissions (which can go upto 33% or more). Additionally, if the production and consumption are close by, transmissions can be made with lower voltage and higher currents, perhaps even HVDC, to unlock even more efficiencies.
Residential solar will definitely reduce load and transmission losses. However a broad strategy must be required by governments to plan and establish solar plants.
For example, it makes sense to have a coherent solar planning policy taking into account the huge consumers of electricity (cities and industries) and planning solar plants near them, reducing the losses in transmissions (which can go upto 33% or more). Additionally, if the production and consumption are close by, transmissions can be made with lower voltage and higher currents, perhaps even HVDC, to unlock even more efficiencies.