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Unlike Rust and Golang. C++ has long history and baggage, thus there is no standard tooling for C++ such as building systems and package managers. In the past, every operating system had its own set of preferred tooling for C and C++, on Linux and Unix-based system, lots of projects still use GNU autotools or Makefiles; on Windows, many projects still use the XML-based MSBUild from Visual Studio IDE. Many IDEs also have their own XML based building systems as well. Nowadays, CMake major IDEs support CMake and allows using CMakeLists.txt as a project file by just opening the directory containing this file. Some of those IDEs are Visual Studio IDE, Visual Studio Code, CLion, Eclipse (Via plugin), KDevelop and so on.

Regarding libraries dependencies, CMake has a FetchContent feature which allows downloading source code directly from http, ftp or git servers and adding this code as project dependency. This approach can avoid wasting time installing and configuring libraries. However, this technique is only feasible for lightweight libraries when the compile-time and library object-code size are not significant. For large libraries and frameworks where the compile-time is significant, such as Boost Libraries, Gtk or Qt, Conan or Vcpkg are the best solutions as they can cache and reuse library object-code with many other projects which reduces the compile-time and disk space usage.

C++ is not best solution for Web applications, in most cases you will not gain anything using C++ for this case, unless the web application is running in an embedded system such as router or a network printer. C++ is most suitable for cases where you need: high performance; access the operating system low level features; implement an operating system; implement an embedded system or a triple-A game.

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