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I love adoc, but I really dislike the build tools (maybe because I don't work with Ruby).

My feeling is that part of the reason adoc is missing or a real PITA to configure for thrid-party software (e.g.: pandoc or hugo) is largely due to this.

Furthermore, I don't love the way math typesetting looks when you export to PDF (although, I guess I should just use XeTeX/LaTeX at that point).

I nearly wrote my master's thesis in adoc, and but for the build system, it was a lot of fun.

Interesting. I have most of this and various toolchains installed as standard on my work boxes, so for me, for instance, to get a preview pain in Atom, I just added 2 packages and the Atom module and it worked. For Pandoc, even less -- I just installed Pandoc and bingo, I could convert to/from.

I feel sure that there must be some happy medium somewhere between the skeletal marked-up text formats of RST, ADoc and Markdown and the excessive complexity of (say) DocBook, but I don't know what it is, and if it exists, it might not be FOSS.

I used to do a lot of writing and editing for Wikipedia (before someone unjustly accused me of vandalism, and a couple of my bigger pieces were deleted -- after that, sod them, I just do minor copy-edits) and I was happier with MediaWiki markup, but I guess it's not very intuitive.

The professional FOSS documentation tools I've worked with are at one extreme -- the "Docs as Code" philosophy that holds that embracing programmers' tools such as Git and various programmers' editors mean getting a lot of power for little investment.


The other extreme are powerful proprietary tools, often on Windows, such as MadCap Flare, which I haven't worked with.

I reckon there is space in the middle for something like Wikipedia with versioning and branches, but nobody's inclined to invest in the R&D. There are tools, they work, so why should they?

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