Good point - I could have asked for a benchmark to prove that the optimizations are worth it.
The person put effort into the code, and I didn't feel that they were convinced of my argument against it. Their changes were more efficient logically, and I'm sure it would have saved a few milliseconds per call - whereas my claim of increased complexity was a more subjective judgement.
In the end, it came down to trust/authority - but they might have been more convinced, or felt better about the decision, if I could produce some numbers from my side, like a measurement of cyclomatic complexity based on static code analaysis.
Perhaps that could have justified the existing higher abstractions, to weigh their (almost negligible) performance cost against the value of reduced complexity - keeping the code base simpler to understand.
The person put effort into the code, and I didn't feel that they were convinced of my argument against it. Their changes were more efficient logically, and I'm sure it would have saved a few milliseconds per call - whereas my claim of increased complexity was a more subjective judgement.
In the end, it came down to trust/authority - but they might have been more convinced, or felt better about the decision, if I could produce some numbers from my side, like a measurement of cyclomatic complexity based on static code analaysis.
Perhaps that could have justified the existing higher abstractions, to weigh their (almost negligible) performance cost against the value of reduced complexity - keeping the code base simpler to understand.